Chapter 22 Zayn /

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Thinking about what happened after Gwen and I kissed, I didn't know what to do. I don't want to hurt Perrie's feelings, but I also want to be with Gwen. It was a really tough decision.

"I'm not gonna be with you until you break up with Perrie." Gwen's voice repeated in my head.

It was very hard. I don't want to break Perrie's heart. I was really afraid of what's gonna happen if I said I want to break-up with her. Will she be mad? Dissapointed? Hurt? I don't know. But those were the possible choices. But in another hand, I want to do the right thing. Bad results, yet good thing to do. I don't know if I should call her or not.

But I also want to be with Gwen. She makes me really happy inside. Her touch send electricity inside my body. I feel sparks every time I kiss her. I really do want to be with her. She really makes me happy and I don't know what to do about it. I really like her.

Without thinking, I suddenly dialled Perrie's number. I feel so nervous. My hands were shaking like crazy. I could feel sweat tingling down my face. I don't really know what I'm doing. Why do I feel so nervous?

"Hey, babe." Perrie's voice appeared after the fourth ring. I was speechless when I heard her voice.

"Uh...umm...uh..." I couldn't say anything. It was so weird. This is the first time I have to break-up with someone. "P-p-perrie?"

"Umm, Zayn?" Perrie asked. "Are you okay?"

"Umm...yeah. I-I'm fine." I answered. "Perrie, I-I've got something to t-tell you." I stuttered. "It's really important."

"Sure, I'm coming."

"No, don't come. I want to say this now. I don't know what you'll do if I said this." I said. "This is really hard."

"Just tell me. I promise, I won't get mad." She said.

"Don't promise anything. You'll regret it." I said. "Perrie..." I took a really big breath. My hands were shaking more and my heart is pounding really hard. "I want to break-up with you." I said slowly.

"I knew it." She said. She kept silence for a minute.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

"I'm not." She answered. "I kind of knew that you like someone else."

"You do? How?"

"Remember the time I came into Allan's office? I saw the way you look at Gwen. That was the same thing how you look at me before." I was speechless by her words. I never knew she noticed. "You look at me differently now. So I noticed that you don't like me anymore."

"I'm sorry Perrie. I didn't know."

"It's okay, Zayn. Just promise me one thing." She said. "If you want her, fight for her. I just want you to be happy." I could feel her smile in her words.

"Thank you, Perrie. Remember, I did love you." I smied.

"I know you did." She said. "Well, I have to go. Good night, Zayn."

The next day was then the worst day. That was when I found out that Harry and Gwen were already in a relationship. The day where I was supposed to ask Gwen out. I lost all my chances. But I was also happy for Harry. He found the girl he will love. Maybe, I was just too late.

But I still couldn't help myself and ask, "Why can't it be me?" I feel so jealous of Harry. I wish I could be him. He has a sweet girl. The most beautiful girl was now taken by Harry. Why does someone have to be better than me?


This is the part when Zayn broke up with Perrie. I hope you guys enjoyed it! SO I finally found a character that could be played by Gwen and Jasmine! Her name is Taylor Spreitler. Her photo will be on the side and I'll post a picture of Jasmine's character in the next chapter.

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