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The days were slow

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The days were slow. Agonizingly so. Bucky was gone. His side of the bed quickly turned cold as the days went by.

Daphne did her best to keep busy. Thinking that if she rarely ever had a free moment she couldn't spend it thinking that her husband was never coming home. And while she had every faith in his abilities she knew that this was war.

Not some back alley where he was fighting for her honor. He was out there, in some foreign country he'd never been to before in his life, with enemies whose only mission was to kill him.

She nearly had an aneurysm every time she went to check the mail, never being more excited to only see the light bill.

Leaving the factory she had been at for the past eight hours, she wiped sweat from her brows as she walked down the street. Starving she wanted nothing more than a hot meal and to go to bed, ready to do it all over again tomorrow.

When she got to a corner, she glanced in at the recruitment center that was being run out of an old shoe store. Before her brain could comprehend what she was seeing she turned back to the crosswalk before turning a double take.

With a disappointed sigh, she walked in ready to grab her brother by his ear and drag him out.

"Seriously, Steve?" she asked, walking up to him as he stared at a poster of the young men who were out on the front lines.

"Daphne?" he asked, turning to her. "What are you doing here?"

"I think that's a better question for you," she said, a hand on her hip.

"You know what I'm doing" he mumbled.

"Why are you doing this? Did you even stop to think about what would happen if they actually took you?" she asked.

"Look, I know you don't think I can do this-"

"Is that what you think? You think I don't want you to go to war because you can't handle it?" she asked.

"Come on, Daph. I know what you and everyone else think of me. That I'm weak and-"

"Stop it! Steve" Daphne sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Steve, not for one moment have I ever thought that you were weak. You are the strongest person I know and there is no doubt in my mind that if given the chance, you'd be a great soldier."

"Then why don't you want me to do this?" Steve asked.

"Because you're also a great brother. My brother, Steve. Other than Bucky you are all I have left. I can't...Steve, I can't lose you too" she said

"Daph, I'm not doing this because I want to leave you," he said.

"I know. You're doing it because it's who you are. You want to help" she said. "Sometimes I wish you weren't such a good person."

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