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"Steve, you have to let me come. Mom said so" Daphne said matter-of-factly, ignoring her younger brother's glares as she dragged her bike out to the street.

"Don't you have stuff you'd rather be doing here?" Steve sighed, not wanting his sister to embarrass him in front of the first friend he'd ever had.

"Yeah, like playin' with dolls or somethin'?" Bucky teased, leaning on his own bike.

Bucky was Steve's new friend, having saved him from some bullies when Steve was walking back from the store. And while Daphne was grateful for Bucky stepping in to help her brother she was still weary of him.

At only eight years old she was incredibly protective of her brother.

Steve didn't have the easiest time making friends. He didn't have the easiest time in general.

So anyone who was going to be spending a substantial amount of time with her brother had to be properly vetted by her, to make sure they were actually friendly and wouldn't end up hurting his feelings.

So far, Bucky didn't seem like the type but she still had to be sure. And he didn't seem to like her very much.

He spent every moment teasing her. Pulling her hair and laughing when she yelled at him to stop. But she didn't let it get to get to her. She had thick skin.

At least that's what her mom said.

The fact that she didn't let his teasing get to her seemed to only fuel the fire pushing Bucky to really see what made her tick.

"No, James," she said, smiling when she saw how much using his first name bothered him. "I can play with dolls tomorrow. Today I want to ride my bike."

"Well, we don't want you to come with us," Steve said, hopping on his own bike.

"Why? Because you know I'll be faster than both of you?" she asked, laughing as she started biking away from them.

Steve groaned as he quickly followed after her. "Cheater!" he shouted.

Bucky scoffed as he started after them, knowing he could catch up to both of them easily but he decided to let them have their little race.

He didn't really know why he didn't like Daphne. He just didn't. Being around her made his palms sweaty and his heart started beating really fast. Sometimes his stomach would even hurt like butterflies were flying around inside.

And that had to be a bad thing.

It had to mean that he just really hated her.


"Steve home?"

Daphne looked up from the book she was reading and nodded when she saw Bucky standing in front of her.

Winter Assassin | B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now