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Finding John in an abandoned factory, Sam was the first to speak to him

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Finding John in an abandoned factory, Sam was the first to speak to him.


"You guys should see a medic, you don't look so good," John said.

"Stop, Walker," Sam said.

"What? You saw what happened. You know what I had to do. I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!" John shouted.

"No, he didn't," Daphne said.

"Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well" Bucky said.

"I'm not like you," John said.

"Listen, it was the heat of the battle. Okay? If you explain what happened, they may consider your record. We don't want anyone else to get hurt" Sam said.

Daphne stared at the shield, her brother's shield, that now had blood dripping down into a puddle on the floor below them.

"Put down the shield," she said.

John chuckled as he looked at her. "Oh, so that's what this is. You know, I always wondered why Steve chose to give the shield to Sam and not you. But I guess, deep down, he knew what we all did."

"And what's that?" she asked.

"They should've kept that shock collar on you. Like the bitch you are" he said.

"Okay," Bucky said, only seeing red as he and Sam both rushed at him. John held up his shield, blocking their punches before she kicked Sam onto his back.

Bucky grabbed the shield, pulling at it as John pulled back. John turned, taking a low blow as he elbowed Bucky in his side. John turned, punching Bucky to the ground. He raised the shield, about to strike but froze when he heard someone whistle.

They all turned to see Daphne holding up a gun aimed at John's feet. She pulled the trigger as what looked like a small rocket flew out. As it crashed into the cement, it exploded and sent John flying back with a painful groan.

Daphne smiled, placing the gun back on her back as she waited for the dust to settle before walking up to him. She stood over him before pulling out a gun and shooting him, an electric pulse sent out as he convulsed on the ground.

"There's that shock collar you were so worried about," she said before she reached over and grabbed the shield he was still holding onto, pulling it off and snapping his arm as she did. "One of the many differences between you and Steve, he knew I was dangerous. I'd urge you never to forget that."

Taking the shield, Daphne walked over to Sam throwing it in front of him. "Don't lose it this time" she said, before she headed out. "I need a drink. I'll be at the bar if you girls wanna join me."

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"The GRC is conducting raids to try and find Karli, but so far they've only found her followers. They've searched this camp, and just like the last camp, nothing. She's gone. We'll never find her."

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