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"World's a crazy place right now. People are...well, nobody's stable. Allies are now enemies. Alliances are all torn apart. The world's broken. Everybody's just looking for somebody to fix it."

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Daphne groaned as she landed on her back, the man she was fighting smirking as he held his gun to her.

Grabbing the tip of it, she pulled it out of his hands and pulled him to the ground before she swung herself back up.

"Don't look so proud of yourself" she said, punching him across the face.

The man groaned, spitting out a tooth and blood. "You're a little far from home, aren't you, Avenger?"

"I'm not an Avenger," she said, punching him one more time before she pulled out her gun. "I'm an assassin."

Shooting him between the eyes, Daphne caught her breath, shoving her gun back in her holster. Pulling out her phone she sent a message to an unmarked number letting them know that it was done.

Within seconds the money was wired into her bank account. Picking up the shell casing she looked down to see her phone ringing.

Seeing Bucky's name she cursed under her breath when she saw time.

"Hey," she said, answering the phone as she headed out of the warehouse she was in and out to her car.

"Where are you? I've been looking for the right nightstand for 15 minutes" he said.

"Sorry. I'm almost there. Traffic" she said, as the engine roared to life. She always kept spare clothes in the truck for moments like these.

"Did you take the bridge? I told you not to take the bridge" he said.

"Yeah, alright MapQuest, I'll be there in like five minutes," she said, rolling her eyes as she hung up the phone.

Bucky huffed, shoving his phone back in his pocket. Deciding he probably looked like a creep standing in the IKEA aisle for way too long, he decided he'd wait for Daphne in the parking lot.

But before he could leave a voice called out to him.

"Did you need help finding anything?"

He turned to see a woman walking over to him, a lanyard around her neck with a walkie-talkie shoved in her pocket, and he knew she worked there.

"Uh, no thanks. I'm alright" he said, not looking to make any conversation but his gruff response didn't seem to deter the woman from walking up to him.

"Are you sure? You've been here for quite a while" she laughed, smiling up at him.

Despite being in the "real world" for a year now, Bucky still hated 90% of the social interactions he had with people, usually letting Daphne just speak for the both of them.

Winter Assassin | B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now