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"Remember, Karli and the rest of her goon squad are like 10 times stronger than you

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"Remember, Karli and the rest of her goon squad are like 10 times stronger than you. And now, so is Walker" Daphne said.

"Thank you, that makes me feel a lot better," Sam said.

"But! What they don't have is experience or technique. They have no training and rely on sheer brute force. So you have to be smarter than them."

"I am smarter than them," he said.

"Okay. Fine. Prove it. And remember. Anticipate my moves and analyze my fight pattern" she said.

"What do you-"

Quickly Sam held up the shield, blocking her attack but she kept going. Sam tried to push back with the shield, but Daphne reached around him kicking him in the side and using his moment of weakness to knock him to the ground.

"That was horrible," she said, reaching out a hand to help him up.

"I wasn't ready," he said.

"Oh, and you think Karli's gonna give you a heads-up before she kicks your ass?" Daphne asked.

"Yeah, I get your point" he mumbled.

"Hey. What are you guys doing?" Bucky asked as he walked over.

"Training. Making sure Sam doesn't die out there the next time we see Karli" Daphne said.

Bucky didn't say anything as he looked between Daphne and Sam, who wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Right. Um, I'm gonna go shower. You call me when whatever the hell this is is over" Daphne said before she walked back inside Sam's house.

Sam looked and Bucky and scoffed. "Really?"

"What?" Bucky asked.

"You're gonna make me ask?" Sam said.

"Ask what?"

"It's been a year. You get jealous-"

"I'm not jealous."

"at every little thing," Sam continued. "Why haven't you given her the ring back?"

Bucky shook his head, not having an answer for him. "It's complicated."

"Well, uncomplicate it. Because you know that she'll wait forever if you make her but she doesn't deserve that" Sam said.

"Don't do that, okay? I get that you guys have this bond but don't pretend like you know her better than I do just because you were there when I wasn't" Bucky said.

"That's what you think this is about? Because yeah Bucky, I was there. I was there when she risked everything for you, twice. We were all telling her to let it go. That you were a lost cause but she refused. That girl put herself through hell and back for you. The least you can do is talk to her" Sam said.

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