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The fight on the ground was absolute chaos

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The fight on the ground was absolute chaos. The creatures were bloodthirsty and scarier than the Chitari had ever been.

They could run on all fours but stand up on their hind two legs. Their hands and feet sprouted long sharp claws that they used to slash through anyone in their path.

Seeing Steve struggle with two of them, Daphne ran over, kicking one down and shooting it in the head.

"Thanks," he said, using his new shield to slice through another one.

"You know. I kind of missed this" she said before one of them came running at her, grabbing her by the leg as it tossed her around with enough strength that she felt like a ragdoll.

She struggled under its grip, pushing its head away from snapping at her with the sharp teeth Sam had pointed out earlier.

She kicked out her leg, pushing it away but it only came back with more force.

And this time it brought a friend. Daphne rolled out of the way right before it could slam its fist through her head.

It grabbed her and tossed her a few feet to the side, running back to try and slash through her body.

She held out her arm trying to block them from getting her head when multiple gunshots pierced through its side and it slumped over her. Looking up she took Bucky's hand as he held it out to her.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, thanks," she said, shooting one that she noticed racing toward them.

Before they could react, a giant burst of white light came shooting down at them like a giant portal.

Daphne watched as a burst of blue energy came shooting out, attached was an axe that shot through multiple creatures in one go before flying back.

When the light cleared, Thor was standing there, axe in hand. And he wasn't alone.

Tilting her head, Daphne tried to see if what she was looking at was real.

She was currently fighting aliens and it probably shouldn't have been that weird to see a talking raccoon holding a gun and a sentient tree standing at his side.

Banner looked around all the creatures and let out a bellowing laugh. "You guys are so screwed now!"

"Bring me Thanos!" Thor shouted, as he summoned a giant bolt of lightning and easily brought down a good chunk of the alien's army.

"Is that a talking racoon?" Bucky asked.

"I think it'll be easier not to think about too much," Daphne said as they ran back into the fight.

Bucky stood near the talking raccoon as they both shot at the creatures coming toward them. This was officially chalking up to be the weirdest day of his life.

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