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When the three of them pulled up to the coordinates the file gave them, they all got out as Natasha looked around confused

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When the three of them pulled up to the coordinates the file gave them, they all got out as Natasha looked around confused.

"This is it?" Steve questioned, knowing it couldn't be a coincidence.

"The file came from these coordinates," Natasha said, looking at the Camp Lehigh sign.

"So did I," Steve said as he broke off the lock of the front gate and they all walked in. "This camp is where I was trained."

Being there made Daphne feel sick. While Steve was here, becoming Captain America, she was halfway around the world, being experimented on by HYDRA.

"Change much?" Nat asked, holding up her phone and trying to get a signal from the database the file came from.

"A little" he mumbled.

"You okay?" Daphne asked, seeing her brother space out as he looked around.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said.

"Well this is a dead end," Nat said. "Zero heat signatures, zero waves, not even radio. Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off."

Steve turned around and noticed something that was definitely not supposed to be there.

"What is it?" Daphne asked, following his line of sight.

"Army regulations forbid storing munitions within 500 yards of the barracks," Steve said, as he walked over and Natasha and Daphne followed him. "This building is in the wrong place."

Using his shield, he broke through the lock and pushed the door open. They walked downstairs into what looked like an old office. One that clearly hadn't been used in years.

Everything was covered in dust and the whole place smelled like mold and mildew. Desk lined the room with old chairs, scattered around and the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo, painted onto the back wall.

"This is S.H.I.E.L.D.," Nat said.

"Maybe where it started," Steve said, as they walked further into the room.

Past the wall with the logo there was another door marked records that they walked into.

It was lined with rows of old dusty shelves, mostly cleaned out whenever this place was abandoned. But that's not what interested them the most.

There were framed pictures of three people, staring back at them.

"Howard" Daphne mumbled, looking at his picture that sat right in the center. It was hard seeing his face again, standing in the office where he once worked.

And right next to him was a picture of Peggy, one that Steve couldn't take his eyes off.

"Who's the girl?" Natasha asked. Instead of answering her, Steve turned and walked further into the room.

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