Chapter Two

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I stumbled out of my room, after being unceremoniously pushed out, and regained my composure, I guess they aren't really giving me a choice here, literally forcing me to leave.

I could wait here till they're done, but who knows how long that could take.

Plus anyone could see me, standing here with my bloody hands, I'm not hard to spot with my lightning-yellow hair and covered in blood I'll stick out like a sore thumb...

And I wasn't going to let Kirishima, or anyone else in the Bakusquad, find out about this.

I shoved my hands into my pockets and started speed-walking towards the common area.

I peered around the corner to see that the only person in here was Todoroki, he was indulged in a book so he probably won't notice m-

"Hello, Kaminari, where are you going?" He stared up at me as I was about to make a break for it.

"UH... Hi Shoto!" I have to make up an excuse, and quickly, "No where important.. just needed to talk to one of the teachers- that's all."

"Oh, so you aren't doing anything to stop yourself from bleeding?" He didn't sound too concerned, just confused.

Wait, how did he know?? Did Mina tell HIM too??!!

Then I looked at the ground to see that there were a few splots of my blood dripping down from my knuckles.

"AH! Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!" Now he seemed more worried by my reaction.

Shoto got off the couch and headed towards me. He reached for my hand and I pulled it back, blood splattering in the process.

"Are you okay, Kamin-" I looked at his white shirt to see a few spots of red that definitely weren't there before.

"OH NO, ROKI, I'M SORRY!" I pointed to his chest with my good hand and he glanced down, seeing the red aswell. "I got blood on your shirt, I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine, it'll wash off. But, are you fine?"

"Yes, of course! Why wouldn't I be?!"

He looked at me with his serious expression, "Because you're hurt."

"I was just going to Recovery Girl, so no need to worry!" I forced a laugh to try and make things less awkward, but it came out more panicked.

He nodded, seeming thoughtful. "Okay, then. Say hi to Midoriya for me."

"I will!" I blurted out as I ran to leave and I couldn't help but think that I was very lucky that it was only Todoroki who saw me and not anyone else.

The rest of the way to the nurse's office was uneventful even though I was rather jumpy and nervous, hiding my hands from anyone taking a walk.

The door was wide open and I just walked inside slowly, trying to find Recovery Girl.

I felt a tap on the side of my leg and I looked down to see her standing beside me.

"Hello, boy, what can I do for yo- oh goodness! Look at that hand." She took it in her own and examined it for a moment before leading me to the closest bed and made me sit down.

"How quickly can you fix it?" I asked her eagerly, hoping that she could as soon as possible.

"Hmm..." she peered into my eyes and poked me around a bit then said, "It isn't that bad, but you're tired, so it may take longer than it should."

She was right, I am tired, I haven't been getting much sleep lately, after all, how can anyone sleep feeling like they could suffocate in the middle of the night due to my hanahaki.

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