Chapter Eleven

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I regreted leaving as soon as I was out the door... Well, window, but that doesn't matter.

I don't have very long left and I don't want to spend that time running away from my problems.

So I swallowed my pride and went back to my house. I felt really bad about running away and making my parents worry, but I've only been gone for a few hours. (A few hours I'll never get back)

Clenching my fist, I hesitated before tapping the door repeatedly, awaiting someone to greet me.

What was even the point of me running away if I was going to come right back after?

Well, I guess that'll show them I'm serious about not getting the surgery...

Finally, the door creaked open, revealing two red, puffy eyes staring down at me.

"D-Denki?!" My mom swung the door the rest of the way and wrapped her arms around me tightly, crying into my hair.

"Hi mom..." I choked out inbetween her sobs and my coughs.

I heard the sound of footsteps get closer till my dad was standing here, too.

"Come inside you two, it's getting dark out." He took both of our arms and led us back in the house, his eyes doing a quick sweep around outside before locking the door.

As soon as my parents turned to stare at me I started rambling, "I'm sorry for leaving! It was dumb and I definitely didn't think it through. I-I was just mad- but I'm still not getting th-"

They stopped me with a hug, then took a step back, giving me room to breathe. My dad ruffled my hair then spoke, "We're not mad, we love you Denki, just don't go running off again, okay?"

I nodded, but I can't promise that. To be fair, no one in class 1-A could promise that considering our disobeying streak.

Then suddenly my mom glanced around at us with a nervous look in her eyes, "Honey... one of your friends was here an hour or two ago."

My heart skipped a beat, could she mean..? "Who was it?!" I shouted a little louder than I had meant to, but continued, "D-Did he- or she say their name?"

She tapped her chin as she explained, "No... but, he had red hair and spikey teeth... He seemed to be in a hurry to find you."

Kirishima? What was he even doing here? And a hour ago he would've needed to be in class. "Oh."

"So you know who it was?" She asked timidly.

For some reason my face turned a little pink, "Yeah, well he's, uh, Kirishima..." I looked away with a nervous cough. "My... classmate."

She seemed a bit confused at my reaction, then grim realization dawned on her face, "Wait, honey, is he-?"

"I better text him to say I'm alright!" I shouted over her, quickly hugging my parents before going upstairs, I went in my room again, though this time I didn't slam or lock the door.

I took out my phone, opening the messaging app. I clicked on Kirishima's name.

I typed a text out to him about three times, backspacing and double guessing everytime I finished. Then, finally, when I had a message I deemed fit, I sent it and waited.

And waited. And waited.

It had only been five minutes, but I was impatient and started rethinking my entire text. Did he think it was too clingy? Does he hate me for running away, even if it was only for a few hours?

I shook my head violently, causing a petal to fly out, I just need to wait a little longer, I'm sure he'll respond soon.

It was fifteen minutes later and I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I'll just text Bakugo, maybe he can relay something to Kiri, after all they are basically attached at the hip.

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