Chapter Six

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I pushed aside a few clothes in my small closet and took out a well worn hoodie, quickly slipping it over my head.

It's almost time to go out with Kirishima and Bakugo, he never actually told us what we were doing or when, so I'm just waiting for them to get ready.

I made my way to the kitchen, where some of my classmates were already having breakfast.

"Hi Kaminari. Ribbit." Tsu waved to me as I entered the room and I sat next to her.

"Hey Tsu, have you seen Kiri or Bakugo? They're usually up by now." I hoped that this conversation I started will deflect the fact that I'm not eating anything.

But, Tsu is pretty perspective and she pushed the bowl of fruit in front of me before she answered my question.

She tapped her finger on her chin a few times then responded, "I'm pretty sure they were in Bakugo's room."

I felt my heart drop to my stomach and my lungs threatened to choke me with petals again.

I just nodded and popped a piece of pineapple into my mouth, I would've felt better if she just answered 'I don't know', but it's not her fault I asked.

Mina must've heard what Tsu had said because her head jerked away from her conversation with Sero and dragged him over next to us.

"Oh my gosh! Are we talking about Kiri and Baku?!" She sat down and Sero rolled his eyes as he did, too, but he was still smiling.

"Ribbit. Kaminari just wanted to know where they were."

"Between us, I totally think they're hooking up." Mina whispered, but was still being really loud, "I mean, they're always together!"

A cough escaped my mouth and I quickly wiped it, just incase there was any blood.

Sero laughed, "You shouldn't jump to conclusions, but if it's true, I wouldn't be surprised."

My coughs got more violent and I couldn't stop. They all looked at me, concerned.

"Um, Kaminari, maybe you shouldn't go out today if you're still that sick." Tsu offered, trying to be nice.

But I have to go, I wouldn't forgive myself if I missed my last chance to hang out with Kirishima somewhere other than in school.

I tried my best to clear my throat then said "No-! No. I'm fine. It's just a cough!"

They all continued to stare at me like they weren't convinced.

"Guys, I'm okay- I promise." I was lying through my teeth, but they don't need to know that.

I pushed myself away from the table and stood up, I know that they're just gonna talk about me once I leave, but I can't think of any other way to make them believe me.

"See you guys later."

So much for being normal around everyone till my inevitable death.

Before I stepped back into my room there was a tap on my shoulder, making me to jump in fear, "Kami-"

"AH!" The yelp caused me to spit a few petals out, but I had slapped my hand over my mouth just in time.

I spun around to see the short frog girl standing there with her head tilted at me.

"Gosh, Tsu! You scared the life out of me!" Well... almost.

"Sorry. Ribbit." She thought for a second then started talking again, "I noticed you got all weird when Mina brought up Kirishima and Bakugo dating."

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