Chapter Four

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I felt my throat burn and my lungs constrict as I walked down the pathway that led to the school housing, I coughed once, I disposed of the flower petals in the nearest trash can.

Once I arrived at the dorms I hoped that I could get in quickly and quietly so I wouldn't be bombarded with questions, but my plan was immediately foiled when the second I opened the door my friends came barreling towards me.

"Denki! Mr. Aizawa said you got sick-?"

"Are you okay, dude?"

"What happened-?"


Everyone ignored him and continued asking me things, I felt my throat close up from all the commotion.

"Guys, calm down!" The person that unknowingly caused all of the drama walked towards me and put his arm around my shoulder.

My heart sped up and I had to forcefully keep my mouth shut because of the flowers rising.

Kirishima successfully got everyone to back off and apologize, but as they were talking, Bakugo, who hadn't been harassing me with the crowd, suddenly spoke.

"Oi! I don't think Pikachu needs any of this right now, he looks like he's gonna faint!"

Kirishima's face turned instantly guilty and he tried to support me, but I pushed him away, this is way too much physical contact from him. "I'm fine, really guys-"

I plastered on a fake smile. "Thanks for all the concern, tho-" I tried my best to stifle a cough, "though!"

As I started walking away I could hear my classmates whispering about what could be wrong with me, which made me very unsure if I should call them out or just pretend I can't hear them. I decided on the latter.

Once I got to my room I opened the door slowly, expecting Mina to have left something in the place of the plate incident.

I closed it behind me and flicked on the light switch.

Yup, a sparkly-pink sticky note sat on my desk.

I picked it up and reluctantly started reading it.

Hey, me and Tsu finished cleaning your room and disposed of the mess.

JUST SAYING: someone saw us. (And that someone was Bakugo!) He asked what we were doing in your room and what's with the blood-stained rags, so we had to tell him, don't be mad!

           From your bestie,


P.S.! That picture of you and Kiri on your desk is sooooo cute!'

SHE TOLD BAKUGO?! Did he tell Kirishima?! Those two were the last people I wanted to know!

I smacked the note back on my desk and flopped onto my bed with a sigh, I'm not angry at her, I guess she didn't have much of a choice.

But, she told two people after I told her not to tell anyone.

I rolled to my side so I wouldn't choke on the petals I had started coughing out, then I could feel warm tears rolling down my cheeks.

That's when the words Recovery Girl said to me started ringing in my head, I only have three choices, and none of them are ideal.

Getting the surgery, which would end with me forgetting all about how I feel for Kirishima, or worse, forgetting about him completely.

And if I forget about him, then him and Bakugo would definitely get togeth-

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