Chapter Twelve

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"Still looks like he's sleeping. Hey wifey, he's waking up!"

"Oooh really?"

I heard a pair of footsteps get closer to me as my eye lids fluttered open.

"Euughh..." I sat up and tried to raise my hand to rub my neck, but my hands barely moved.

I looked down to see my hands were cuffed together, panic hit me as I regained the memory of what happened before I was knocked out.

While looking for Denki I was ambushed and kidnapped by the League of Villains, the exact thing my friends were warning me about.

Then suddenly a girl was inches away from me with a giant smirk spread across her face.

"Good morning! Or- well good evening!" She picked my hands up by the cuffs and spoke again, "You're really cute, I love you!"

A confused expression sprawled on my face as soon as she said that, and I was obviously not returning the feelings so this is a little uncomfortable.

"What about me Toga?!" The man who was speaking before came into my sights and I recognized him right away, he was Twice. "I love him too, what a cutie!"

This is just getting weird... Is this how they treated Bakugo?

Toga poked my stomach a few times, staring intently at me, "C'mon, say something!"

I clenched my fists that were binded next to one another, would I be able to use my quirk to get out of this?

But, even if I did, there are still all of the villains to deal with.

I decided that if they really want me to talk, I might as well try to figure out what's going on, "What do you want with me?"

She stopped smiling and made a pouty face, "I wish I could tell you, but Shiggy said it's a secret."

"We'll never tell you." Twice said as he butted in suddenly, "If you join the League right now we'll tell you!"

Then there was a slamming noise from a door behind us and we all turned to see what it was.

There stood the other person that was responsible for my capture, Dabi.

"Quit being friendly with the captive."

"You're no fun, Dabi." Toga stood up and marched over to him angrily, "You said I could keep him!"

He purposely rolled his eyes at her so she'd see it, causing her to get even more agitated.

As she jumped up and down, tugging on his jacket at every angle, I staggered up, leaning against the wall for support.

"I never said you couldn't keep him, but quit being so buddy-buddy with him, cause he hasn't even joined."

"Yay!" She shouted happily. "You said I can keep him!"

He groaned, "'Kay, whatever, but Shiggy gets to decide what we do with him in the end." Dabi ran a hand through his hair, he kind of reminded me of Shoto with his unintentional edginess, but now is not the time for that. "See if he's worth the risk..." He paused before adding, "And make sure he stays alive."

"Can do!"

"He's already dead!" Twice interjected before cutting himself off, "He's looking lively."

"And search him for weapons." Dabi said, staring pointedly at me.

Twice seemed offended, "Do you really think we're that dumb that we would leave him with weapons?!" Then Twice looked guilty, "Pat him down, Toga."

I shifted uncomfortably on my feet as Toga came creepily walking towards me, "Sorry, Dabi, but he doesn't look like a guy who hides guns! We didn't even think of that!"

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