Chapter Fifteen

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"It's a good thing your friend and teachers found you two in time." The doctor that was assigned to treating me and Kirishima was checking our charts as he spoke, "Any longer in that type of heat and you both could've died."

I attempted to sit up, but failed. The adrenaline I had at the time hid the severe pain from the attack, so I was feeling it all now as my bruises formed.

He smiled and patted my shoulder gently, "You shouldn't move till you're feeling better."

I nodded with a frown, now that I'm free from my hanahaki I don't want to be trapped in here...

Rolling over, I stared at Kiri who was in the hospital bed next to mine and was still sleeping.

It would've been a cute scene if we weren't in the hospital and he didn't have burns and bruises all over him, too.

"Mister Kaminari," The doctor called me to get my attention once again, then spoke in a kind voice, "I'll be back in a few minutes. I have to sort a few things out, please stay put."

I only nodded, knowing I wouldn't be able to do that, I have to move around at least a little.

He then headed out into the hall and closed the door quietly behind him.

Almost immediately, I braced myself then pushed my body up into a sitting position.

Hesitantly, I waited till I didn't hear footsteps anymore and stood up shakily, taking a few steps towards Kirishima's bed and I sat down on the edge of it next to him.

I moved my hand through his soft hair, which was now brushed down instead of spiky like it usually is.

This caused him to stir and his eye lids fluttered open slowly.

"Oh, sorry!" I whispered, "I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Don't worry about it." He grinned sleepily then scooted over, "You still look hurt, lay down."

I chuckled as he grabbed my arm softly and pulled me down next to him, tiredly tugging the thin hospital blanket over the both of us, "Okay, okay."

I had just gotten comfy in Kirishima's arms when the door opened again.

Can't we ever just get a moment of peace around here?

Maybe I can pretend to be asleep and they'll leave us alone? Kirishima  already fell back asleep, and my face was nuzzled into his chest, where no one could see it, so maybe no one would even notice if I faked it.

"They've already been through a stressful ordeal," Mr. Aizawa said in his gravely voice. "Can't you put it off, at least until they wake up?"

"It seems like one of them can get up just fine." Another voice said, in a hushed yet humorous tone. Then he turned more somber and serious, "And I'm sorry Eraser Head, but the League of Villains was involved, we need all the information we can get." There was a pause,  "And neither of them are in critical condition, we really can't put this off."

Mr. Aizawa sighed, "Who am I to argue with the government."

I rolled my eyes, couldn't have tried a little harder, Mr. Aizawa? Poor Eijiro had just gone back to sleep, and I wanted to do the same, just with him this time.

"Kaminari, Kirishima." I groaned, forcing myself upwards, I rubbed my eyes as Kirishima unconsciously tried to get me to stay still.

"Don't wake Eijiro." I mumbled, finally looking at the pair of people who had come in the room, "He's tired."

The man who I didn't know was dressed in a trench coat and fedora, very obviously law enforcement, and not the hero kind, he shook his head slightly, "We can take your statement first, but he'll have to wake up eventually."

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