Chapter Ten

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"Alright, class I have some important news to tell you so listen up." Mr. Aizawa spoke as he walked through the door.

There was no one talking or doing anything, everyone was sitting silently before he even came in.

No one has been very chatty or smiley ever since Kaminari left the dorms last night.

He cleared his throat, he could tell there was a tension in the room, but continued to talk, "So, to get right to the point, no one is allowed to leave U.A. for the time being."

I was the only person that made any type of reacton, I immediately jumped out of my seat and shouted, "WHAT?! That's so unfair! You have to let me- us go see Denki!"

"What you see as 'unfair' everyone else sees as a safety precaution." Mr. Aizawa looked directly into my eyes before stating, "We've gotten word that the League Of Villains is on the move, so you'll stay here like everyone else."

"But, Mr. Aizawa-"

"I won't be discussing this anymore, Kirishima."

I slumped back into my chair, completely defeated, and looked to my left at Bakugo.

My movement caught his eye and he stared back, looking annoyed, and rolled his eyes towards our teacher. At least he feels the same way about this.

I sat the rest of the class not paying any attention to what Mr. Aizawa was saying because all I could think of was Kaminari...

It was finally time for lunch, but I wasn't hungry, I have more important things to deal with right now.

The Bakusquad (minus Denki...) and the Dekusquad were all sitting at the same table, I thought it was odd, but we're all upset over this so it makes sense to be together.

"Hey guys!" I yelled enthusiastically and plopped down next to Bakugo and Todoroki.

"You seem better." Shoto pointed out in his monotone voice.

Bakugo scoffed, "Yeah, IcyHot's right for once. You took this the worst, why are you so happy?"

"'Cause I'm going to go see Kaminari!"

That made everyone stop and shout different variants of 'what' and 'excuse me?'.

Deku started choking on his food and Iida smacked his back to assist him.

"Wha-what do you mean you're going to see him???" Deku pushed his friends hand off and continued, "Mr. Aizawa said-"

"What he said doesn't matter this time, I'm leaving tonight, anyone's free to join me."

"I cannot condone this! That is purposely violating school rules!" Iida started hitting his hand in the air at me, "Do you know how dangerous this could be?!"

"I do, but I'm willing to do it!" I turned to Bakugo with a hopeful smile, "C'mon Bakubro, tell them we can do this!"

He had an awkward expression on his face, definitely an emotion he wasn't used to showing. "No."

"What? I thought you of all people would understa-"

"I do understand. But, no." He huffed to the side, "Quit being an idiot."

I replied in disbelief, "I'm not being an idiot! I know what I'm doing."

"That's the stupid part, you know you shouldn't be doing it." Bakugo grabbed my wrist, foring me to sit back down as I started to get up, "Pikachu would be happier if you didn't get kidnapped, you shithead!"

Mina gripped onto my free wrist from the other side of the table, "Exactly! You're being so selfish."

"Wouldn't it be better if you just waited till after? Ribbit." Tsu offered, but I know that I can't, even if it's 'better'.

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