Chapter Seven

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"Well, that was a complete waste of time." Bakugo said as he threw out the empty and grease stained popcorn bucket.

"What? I thought it was cool." Kirishima put an arm around mine and Bakugo's shoulders.

"Those explosions were obviously CGI, the whole plot was beyond cheesy and the main character was an All Might knock off." Bakugo ranted angrily. "I'm never wasting my money on anything like that again."

"But his catchphrase was nothing like All Mights! You can't get better than," I did an terrible All Might impression. "'I will be there!'"

Kirishima laughed. "Did you guys see his costume? I think I saw a similar one at a Spirit Halloween."

"And I'm pretty sure I saw black hair underneath his blonde wig."

"It was pretty good for a comedy though, they weren't forcing any of the jokes." Kirishima's voice turned genuine for a second.

"Shitty Hair, that wasn't a comedy!" Bakugo scoffed.

"Wait what-?" His face turned pink and he facepalmed, "But I thought that since- he was just so- how was that not a comedy?"

I coughed but covered it up as a laugh. "Next time I'm picking the movie!"

"No way, you were way too insistent on the Titanic earlier, and there is no way I'm sitting through anything like that." Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Hey, that was a joke!" I quickly defended myself.

"I'll pick the movie next time guys!" Kirishima exclaimed, "And it'll be so manly!"

"By manly do you mean a Disney movie?" Bakugo deadpanned, then he began walking in the opposite direction of the school.

"No! Why would I want to watch Disney?" Kirishima and I followed after him.

"I dunno, the singing."

"Why would I like princesses singing about their true love?"

"I said I don't know, maybe you can relate?"

"Animals don't follow me around though. They only do that to Koda, anyways-"

"For someone who doesn't wanna watch a princess movie you sure know alot about them." I added.

"No I don't!" He looked very embarrassed. "Let's talk about something else now. Where are we going, Bakugo?"

"You'll see." We continued walking for a few minutes till he brought us into this abandoned looking junkyard.

He kicked a can into the air and used his quirk, exploding it on impact.

"Are we allowed to be doing this...?" I wouldn't have asked if I didn't have this dumb disease, but it's a lot harder to use my quirk with all this strain in my lungs.

"Calm down, Pikachu." Bakugo smacked me on the back of my head, "It's just garbage."

"Yeah! If Bakubro says it's fine then it's fine!" Kirishima was about to activate his quirk when he realized he was wearing Bakugo's shirt. "Uh.. what do I do with this?"

"Pft.. just leave it there, idiot." He murmured as he pointed to a spot near the entrance.

"Alright!" Kiri pulled it off quickly and tossed the t-shirt aside, I looked away and started coughing into my elbow to hide the slight blush growing across my face.

I let the petals fall to the ground and crushed them under my shoe.

Kirishima used his quirk and ran a few steps away, smashing his fist into an old, broken car.

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