Chapter Thirteen

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I glared at Kirishima's empty desk, where the hell is he? First he says some nonsense about sneaking out to go see Sparky then he agrees to asking Mr. Aizawa about it, and then he disapears.

And people say I have mood swings!

I huffed angrily as I heard an annoying and whiny voice come from behind me.

"Kacchan are you okay?"

"Shove off you damn nerd." I leaned back in my chair and shifted my gaze from the table to him, "No one asked."

"I asked, Kacchan." He muttered and looked away, "You just seemed... sad."

"I don't need your pity." I snapped. Sad? What is this guy on?! I'm not sad, I'm livid!

Who does Shitty Hair think he is? He just leaves cause he feels like it. I inwardly groaned, I don't know why Pikachu even has this stupid hanahaki, these two obviously like eachother, nothing unrequited about it! Why else would Kirishima skip school, while it's under lockdown, for him?!

"It's not pity-" Deku started before Mr. Aizawa cut him off, agitated.

"Are you two done chatting? Or does my class not mean anything to you?" He scolded.

Deku instantaneously apologized and turned pink as I rolled my eyes.

I ignored the rest of that class since I already knew it all anyways, once it was finally over I pushed past Raccoon Eyes and Tape Elbows without saying anything, I've already had enough annoyingness today.

I stopped in a deserted hallway as I took out my phone and texted Kirishima.

Bakugo : where the hell are you Shitty Hair???

I waited a very generous two minutes before sending out very similar and spontaneous texts demanding where he is.

I nearly gave up out of frustration before I heard a ping.

But the notification wasn't from Kirishima, it was from Sparky.

Pikachu : Hey Bakubro

I rolled my eyes at the stupid nickname and quickly texted him.

Bakugo : What do you want now

Pikachu : Ouch, is Bakugo not happy to hear from me?

I didn't reply.

Pikachu : No response?

Pikachu : Okay so have you heard from Kiri I kinda gotta tell him somethin

Shit. I was just about to ask Sparky the same question, so I guess Kirishima hasn't made it there yet.

Bakugo : You need him for a specific reason? Anyway he disappeared before our last class

Bakugo : Shitty Hair had been talking about sneaking out to go see you so I'm assuming you'll get a knock on your door any second

There was a brief pause before Sparky typed out the message.

Pikachu : Looking forward to it, dude, bye 😘

I sent out a very sarcastic 'good luck' before closing my phone, I guess Pikachu can fill me in later when he's better.

I pocketed the phone and started walking to the dorms, as annoying as they are at least they're figuring out whatever that is without me intervening.

Then I groaned when I heard another buzz come from my phone.

Pikachu : Sneaking out to see me?

Bakugo : Forgot you didn't know

Pikachu : Didn't know what

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