Chapter Fourteen

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I held onto Kirishima tightly, burying my face in his shoulder.

"Denki, I can't believe that you're here- why are you here?" Kirishima spluttered, hugging me as close as possible.

"Eijiro, are you okay?" I ignored his questions, glancing anxiously at the locked door.

The second I came falling headfirst into the bar and locked eyes with Kirishima I threw up five entire flowers, the villains were beyond shocked and tossed both of us into a windowless room while they talked.

"Fine- but are you?" He pulled away to look at me, "You just coughed up an entire bouquet!"

"I-I'm okay for now-" My throat felt itchy and I suddenly became aware of the dried blood on my face as Kirishima tried to wipe it off.

"Where were you?" He asked, clearly concerned, "I went to your house and you weren't there, your parents said-"

"I was stupid." I said quickly. "They were going to force me to get the surgery so I panicked and ran away."

He looked away with a odd expression on his face then said, "How did you find me?"

"Uh, I found Twice and Toga buying pizza and I followed them." I sighed, "I shouldn't have done anything without backup."

"No one else knows, then?" He asked.

"Nope, I mean Bakugo knows something's up. But he didn't even know you made it to my house, let alone got kidnapped."

He exhaled and hugged me again. "It's okay... We're together now."

I coughed from the intimate contact as we both heard noises from beyond the door, the noise being muffled voices.

Kirishima looked at me and whispered softly, "quiet." He grabbed my hand and stood upright, I quickly followed his lead, we both walked as silently as we could to the door.

"Shiggy, I looked it up, the blonde boy's sick with hanahaki!" That was Toga.

Assuming Shiggy is Shigaraki, he responded, but his voice was too scratchy and dry to be heard through the door.

"Of course you wouldn't know! It's, like, super rare!"

Another voice too muffled to make out.

"I know, Dabi, calm down. Look." There was a pause, Kirishima pressed his ear harder against the doorframe.

"Unrequited love?" Twice yelped loudly, "That sounds bad, looks real fun!"

Way to rub it in, Twice...

"I know, right?!" There was a sigh, murmurs and then Toga gasped.

"He going to die?! Like, right now?"

"He threw up flowers, he must have had it for awhile, I'm no doctor but I think he's on his deathbed.." Twice said, "I'm sure he'll live a long and happy life!"

"Awh, that's so sad!"

"I know!"

More mumbling, "We know we only need one of them."

Their conversation continued, but I wasn't focused on it, and neither was Kirishima it seemed.

"I... They're right, Denki... Y-you're dying..." He sniffled and looked away, dropping my hand as he did. "And now you're spending your last days locked in a dirty old room... Not with... The one you love, all because of me."

I coughed, "Kirishima, don't say that. You don't know what your talking about."

"If I hadn't been so stupid then this wouldn't have happened, you could have had the option to confess to him, but I-I took that away." He rubbed his eyes, "I'm so sorry, Denki, I ruined everyth-"

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