Chapter Five

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The second we opened the door to the classroom all eyes were on us. Mr. Aizawa stared at me in particular, he put his hands in his pockets and tilted his head at me inquiringly.

"Kirishima, sit. Everyone else, get ready to go to the training facility." He waltzed over to my side and said quieter, "Outside, now." Then continued out the door without missing a beat.

Kiri looked at me with a confused expression on his face, but did as our teacher said.

I didn't want to look at any of my classmates, who I could tell were all still staring at me, so I just shot my eyes to the floor and followed Mr. Aizawa.

When I closed the door of the classroom I saw him leaning on the wall casually. "Well?"

"Um.. well.. what?" I asked, even though we both know what he's referring to.

Mr. Aizawa looked too tired to even roll his eyes, "Why were you late? Did you tell Kirishima?"

I jumped in terror due to his voice echoing in the hallway, "Don't say it so loud!!"

He completely ignored my remark and kept talking, "So, did you?"

I frowned after I stifled a few coughs, "No... I-I..." my voice dropped to a whisper so just incase any was trying to listen in they wouldn't hear me, "I couldn't stop.. barfing.. so I stayed behind when everyone else went to class."

Mr. Aizawa stood up more straight, as if what I just said unsettled him. But, thinking about it now, him, All Might, and Recovery Girl must be pretty freaked out.

After all, they just learned that one of their students is going to die soon if nothing is done about it.

I want to take it back and tell him I'm fine, but he wouldn't believe me anyways...

He took a deep breath then spoke once again, "Why was Kirishima late then?"

"He stayed to wait for me- he doesn't know about the... thing though." I added quickly. "And I haven't come to a decision if you were going to ask about it."

"I didn't expect you to." He sighed, and motioned for me to go back to class. "Come on."

I walked ahead of him, and as I got in the doorway for a fraction of a second I saw Jirou standing by the back of the class surrounded by a few other students, her earjacks pressed into the wall.

I instantly had the need to throw up for what felt like the millionth time today. As Mr. Aizawa entered the room the group was pretending that they were just having a normal conversation instead of listening in to ours.

The easedroppers were Jirou, obviously, Mina, Sero, and Iida.

Though Iida looked very upset and distraught. He was huffing and puffing and refused to look anyone in the eye as he hissed something at the others under his breath.

Mr. Aizawa stared at everyone and blunk slowly, "What're you all waiting for, let's go."

As everyone started leaving Mr. Aizawa put his hand on my chest to stop me. The last few students glanced at me, but didn't say anything as they left. "Since you can't partake in physical training you're excused."


"Maybe you can use this time to go get some medicine from Recovery Girl for any pain you're having."

I looked down. "Yeah, okay..."

"Hey, we'll catch you back up once this is over." He waved goodbye as he went after everyone.

After about fifteen minutes passed of me just sitting on my desk I decided I would just walk the halls a little before heading back to the dorms.

I'd walk by an ongoing class every now and then, so I tried to keep myself from coughing too much.

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