Chapter Eight

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"You consider this a little cold?!" Mina demanded angrily. "I'd hate to see what you think is serious!"

"I'm sorry for lying, Mina!" I apologized for the umpteenth time since she came in the room five minutes ago. "I really am! I just didn't  want you to worry!"

"Yeah? Well I'm worrying now!" She huffed as Todoroki placed a calming hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry for lying to everyone, especially you, Tsu." I sighed.

"Especially Tsu?" Mina echoed.

"Yeah. She kinda really caught onto me and I lied... pretty badly." I admited.

Tsu shook her head, "Apology accepted, but..." She looked at me, and I could practically see her realizing  something. "Ribbit."

Yeah. To her knowledge she must think that I have a crush on either Bakugo or Kirishima. Our last conversation consisted of us discussing me being jealous of them, so she has a pretty good idea who I have hanahaki for...

I just hope she doesn't tell anyone... like whoever told everyone I have hanahaki.

I had gone to sleep after being relentlessly interrogated about not picking surgery and once I woke up Mina had been barging down my door shouting about how mad she is.

So now everyone from class 1-A seems to know and some of them have already started filing in. So now the Nurse's office was full of students.

"Uh, hello you two? Are you guys zoning out or what?" Both of us jumped at the sound of Mina's voice. "So Denki, when are you going to tell the lucky person?"

"Don't you think that's a little insensitive?" Todoroki asked with a rather unexpressive tone of voice.

"Yeah, of course it is!" She exclaimed, "But since he lied to us he has to tell!"

"Mina... I'm not going to tell them." I looked away, refusing to look anyone in the eyes.

"Oh... are they like already in a relationship or something?"

I saw Tsu shuffle around a little guiltily, "Ribbit, Mina, I don't think we should bother him about that right now... he already has the teachers breathing down his back as it is."

She sighed, "I guess you're right- wait!" She smacked her hands on my cheeks and forced me to look at her, "Did you tell the teachers who it is?! I swear if you told them and not me!"

"Uhhh..." I grumbled, "Maybeeee-"

"I can't believe this-!"

The door opened again. Bakugo and Kirishima came in, Iida following close behind.

"Hey guys-" I started to say before Iida fell to his knee's apologizing.

"I am so sorry for not noticing anything was wrong!" He got his face as low to the ground as he could without touching it, "Please forgive me for not doing the best as your class rep! I should've been there for you!"

"Woah, whoa, woah! Iida, calm down, I'm okay!" I waved my hands franticly, "See?"

"No! It's my fault! I should've seen the signs from the beginning! Then I could've gotten you the urgent help you needed! It truly is all my fault! Just think of all the shame I've brought on the Iida name!"

"Get up, Four Eyes," Bakugo said gruffly, "Pikachu's the one who didn't tell anyone, not you."

"I know! It's just that..." He got off the floor and sighed, "I don't want anyone from our class to feel like they can't share th-"

"I didn't ask for a speech." Bakugo deadpanned and Iida looked offended though he shut up.

"Sorry for not coming earlier," Kirishima seemed to be avoiding my gaze, "But, I wanted to get you something."

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