Chapter 1: Prologue

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A/N: This part takes place 2 years after a Court of Silver Flames

Tamlin's POV:

I hated these yearly meetings. Especially just 3 weeks before the Winter Solstice. My wife is due to deliver our first babe soon, her body becoming plump and swollen. I hated leaving the palace, even more now knowing she could deliver soon. My heir must be born in the Spring Court. I wasn't worried for her, worried for my heir. Dahlia would deliver the babe and everything would be normal again. Once she has my son I will move her to my place in the town. It's a nice townhouse in the wealthiest area. It's not that I can't stand my wife, it's just I didn't like her that much. Dahlia would go back and forth from complaining and being as quiet and still as a ghost. Dahlia slept in her room on the other side of the palace. We never spoke to one another unless it was necessary. According to helping hands she spends her days worshiping and sleeping. Her pregnancy has been rough according to the doctor.

    I met Dahlia on Calanmai, I had no plans on keeping her in my life but that was before I found out she was pregnant. I partook in Calanmai, every year like normal. This was the first Calanmai since the war where my people seemed happier, trusted me more. I was doing all I could to make amends with the people of my court. I was fixing their homes, schools, adding businesses and it seemed to be helping. Lucien came to celebrate too. He came around ever so often. I noticed his time was spent more often with Vassa or off in another court. Every year it was a new priestess I had to sleep with. This year felt normal until Dahlia requested a meeting a few weeks after the celebration. I thought back to the day I found out. It was a month after the Calanmai celebration. The Priestess walked into his study, she scheduled a meeting to speak of the 'way of the Gods'. She walked in and stood in front of me. She smelled different. She raised her eyes to meet mine. Her eyes were as blue as the ocean. "High Lord, I hope to not bother you. I am pregnant with your babe, as a priestess you are the only male I've slept with. I haven't received my monthly's since before Calanmai. I prayed to the cauldron for answers and answers were found, my High Lord. They say the babe conceived on Calanmai, born of the Spring Court shall reign the courts of Prythian into a new era." A babe. A chance for my bloodline to continue. "Congratulations, we shall marry this month." We married privately, after betraying my court the last thing my people would appreciate is an expensive wedding. They were angry when my first big wedding fell through. So much money wasted. I tried to push it from my mind. Then I heard the sound of my wife coming down the stairs, pulling me out of my memories.

   My wife, Dahlia was a smaller lady, shorter dark brown hair with blue eyes. Her ears were pointed but not as much as mine. Mine were better, sharper. His wife has fussed for hours about joining him at his meeting today. It seemed like the only time we spoke was when she needed something. We took our meals separately. Dahlia busted through the doors "Tamlin, sir, I need to get out of this house. I cannot go into town and this palace is depressing. I need to see the Ocean." Blah blah blah. I told her she could come as long as she waited outside and caused no issues. I didn't want her interfering with business. Normally I wouldn't tolerate her speaking to me this way but since she's pregnant and her body is changing, I will let it slide.

    I let her take my arm before heading out the door. I didn't love my wife, I didn't even like my wife. But she was pregnant with my heir, therefore I respected her. We took our carriage to Tarquin's palace. Our carriage has a green interior and a copper exterior. The ride took a while but we arrived in time. Dahlia and I didn't speak the entire carriage ride. The Summer Court was warm and next to the ocean. The smell of salt hit my nose the second I exited the carriage. Our foot men helped Dahlia down. Tarquin was hosting the meeting this year with his wife and mate Trinity. I hadn't met Trinity yet. I haven't been leaving the palace much. I only leave for these awful meetings. Recently I've been thinking about restoring my palace for my heir. He will need a wonderful palace to rule over. I've been thinking about renovating for a while but when Dahlia became pregnant it didn't feel like an appropriate time. I'm thinking of elevating the plans. My son deserves more.

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