Chapter 4: High Lords Meeting

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Song- Lost with you by Patrick Watson
POV Azalea:

Today was the High Lords meeting. The Palace was a buzz while they prepared food, decorations and re-arranged thrones. It was over the top. My father was having floral arrangements made from our finest blooms this time of year. My birthday was a few months ago but around this time Spring starts to return. Our flora starts to bloom more, the sun shine's more and it's not as cold. The Spring Court has Spring weather almost all year around, during November and early December our Spring Court experiences a small change of colder air. I spent the morning walking around the palace. No one spoke to me except Bella, Brimsley and my ladies in waiting. It felt like they were scared of me. I could tell my presence made everyone uncomfortable so I went to find Lady Jennifer, hoping to find her before Jayden has. I knocked on her door lightly before I heard her say "Come in." I opened the door which revealed Lady Jennifer stitching in her chair which sat by the window. "Lady Azalea, what do I owe you for this visit?" She said as she stood to bow. "I'm sorry to intrude, I was wanting some company before the meeting later today." Jennifer gestured to another chair for me to sit.

      She continued to focus on her embroidery but asked a question regardless "Are you excited for the High Lord's meeting?" I rolled my eyes "Why would I be? Are you excited for tea later?" My voice tainted with sarcasm

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      She continued to focus on her embroidery but asked a question regardless "Are you excited for the High Lord's meeting?" I rolled my eyes "Why would I be? Are you excited for tea later?" My voice tainted with sarcasm. "I always enjoy my conversations with Lady Jaylen." I watched her thread the needle over and over. "What about Jayden?" I finally gained the courage to ask. "I never worry about her, she never arrives until the end of tea anyway." The end? Where was she before then? What was she doing? I looked back out at the gardens from Jennifer's window. I would ask the suriel about Jayden, what are her plans? Would I ever leave this court? Would I ever fall in love? Would I ever be free? All the questions seemed to flood me at once. I stood and excused myself. Jennifer seemed worried but never asked. She allowed me to come and go as I chose. Maybe that's why we got along so well? I continued down the hall past Lady Jaylen's room, heading towards the back staircase which leads to my tower. The stairs have become easy, some days I run up them but I wasn't in the mood. I hated the High Lord meetings, my father always made me stay in my room or in the ladies parlor. I wanted to meet the other High Lords and listen to all they had to say. I enjoyed the politics of the Spring Court, I wanted to learn about the others. Brimsley wouldn't budge though. When I finally made it up the stairs, I locked my door before picking up a romance novel. They had become my favorite.

I was engrossed in my book when I heard Lady Jaylen speaking at my door. "Azalea? Lady Azeala? Will you be joining us for tea?" I opened the door and saw her there. Her dark brown hair pinned up like always. "Are you joining us today?" Her voice was kind and quiet. "Maybe for one cup" I said before following her to the parlor. Lady Jennifer was already sitting in the ladies parlor with Bella. I sipped on my tea waiting for Lady Jayden to arrive but I was half way through my cup when she still hadn't shown. I finished my tea when I stood up and tried to leave when Bella put her hand in front of the door "High Lord Tamlin said you cannot go to the meeting." I pushed her arm aside and opened the door "Good thing I'm not going there." I closed the door behind me before she could protest. I slowly walked away from the door anticipating Bella to come get me but she didn't. I slowly started ascending down the stairs. My pink gown bunched at my feet from me crouching. I didn't want to be seen but my posture made me look guilty.

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