Chapter 8: Starfall Surprise

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Song- Nyx POV Luminary by Joel Sunny
           Azalea POV Starfall by Marc Hanania
POV Azalea:

Song- Nyx POV Luminary by Joel Sunny           Azalea POV Starfall by Marc Hanania   POV Azalea:

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         I sipped on the green tea that Lady Jayden had ordered for us this afternoon. Jennifer and Jaylen spent the afternoon talking about cauldron knows. This is the first time in a week that Jennifer has come to tea. She said she hasn't been feeling well. My mind was distracted, pulled away to the cold mountains and the smell of pine. I can't believe it had already been over a week since the ball. I still haven't told a single soul nor has Lucien come to visit. I thought he would check in with me, make sure I was safe and had a good time but everyday I find myself in the ladies parlor drinking whatever tea's been ordered. I used to wish I would be the first to arrive so I could order which tea was served and now I don't care. Every night this week I've been out in my gardens practicing my magic. Allowing it to bloom in ways I never imagine. It's still all so unfamiliar and maybe that's why I hope Lucien comes by so I can ask him about somethings.

Many of my gowns this week have had mud stains but Bella hasn't seemed to question anything. I think they are used to it considering I used to spend most of my days in my youth outside instead of in the palace. It's never felt like home, even more so now. Just bare walls and quiet halls. I've learned recently I can do alot more than just kill and grow Flora but I can heal myself as well. I wondered if I could heal others too? I haven't tried to grow claws again even though I have been curious. Can I grow more than claws? Fins maybe to swim away? Wings to fly away? Turn into a creature and run as fast as I can? I took another regretful sip of green tea before setting my porcelain cup down on it's matching floral saucer. Lady Jaylen turned to me and said "You seem rather distant lately Azalea, you feeling alright?" This seemed to peak her sister's curiosity, causing Lady Jayden to focus in on the conversation she was once ignoring. "I'm fine, only worried that the Duke won't like my stories." Jaylen's smile was wide "Oh Azalea how could someone not love them? I do wish you would read to me again soon. We've missed reading with you out in the gardens." I pushed my tea further away, the taste seeming worse than normal. Like a vague taste of nittle leaf. "I will soon Jaylen, maybe tomorrow before tea?" But before she could answer my father had entered our parlor. Something he suddenly seems to keep repeating.

My eyes immediately pulled to his collar that he's worn everyday for the last week. The more in tune with my magic I become, the worse that collar feels. It's glow screamed of death and torture. My father hadn't even bothered to knock or address himself as he entered. He stood there in his formal court attire with our courts color. The green seemed to swallow him. The black obsidian stood out against our court colors and it did him no favor. His blonde hair was pulled to the back with a green ribbon. "Are you ready Lady Azlaea?" His voice seemed to echo off the bare walls. "Yes, Lordship Tamlin." Over the last week my father has gone from not addressing me by name to only calling me by title. He's gone a step further by having us all address him now as Lordship instead of Lord. I don't think there is any difference but he says it holds more power. Something he can't seem to have enough of these days. Every dinner this week he has spent it spewing on about his plans to expand our military with the help from powerful alliances, yet he hasn't disclosed who.

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