Chapter 13

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Hiccup's P.O.V

I was in a deep sleep, my entire body relaxed for now.

I managed to sleep through the night without any trouble, my lower body was still aching a bit, Dagur was snoring loudly right behind me, this time he wasn't cuddling me for once giving me some space for once.

I didn't move, but I did place my hand on my stomach, remembering what had happened yesterday.

My hand slowly traveled to my stomach, gently rubbing it as my mind was trying to process that I was with child.

A baby, an actual baby growing inside of me, I was scared.

Not just because this baby was Dagur's, but because I was going to become a parent, I never thought of having kids before, not even at this age being a teen still.

I was going to be the mother of a Beserker whether I liked it or not, Dagur seemed thrilled about all of this, but I was the opposite compared to him.

I was going to be sharing the same blood with Dagur now, part of his is now growing inside of me, soon it would grow slowly turning into another living human being.

I felt like my life was over, I was going to be stuck here for the rest of my life with a baby I wasn't ready to raise and a crazy Beserker that was going to kill me.

Tears were starting to break from my eyes again as my body started to shake again, I felt so terrified.

What if I did lose the baby? What if I can't carry it to full term? Will Dagur blame me for it? Probably.

I don't think my body can ever support a child at this point, I was too thin and frail at this point, every time I tried to eat I would just puke it back up either way.

But then my eyes caught on something, they widen very quickly as I continued to look at it, it was a baby crib in the corner of the room, I guess it was Dagur's when he was a babe, then it finally hit me.

Soon I would be showing, having a little baby bump might snap me back into reality, once I start showing it will be the end of me.

Back when I was out at sea, the Skrill could smell the new life growing inside me, back then I didn't know what she was doing but now it all make scenes now.

Dragons could tell right away if they were expecting hatchlings, just by sniffing out the stomach and finding out how many they would have.

I wonder if Toothless would have the same effect on me? Probably.

He always had a strong scent, he could smell a drop of blood from miles.

Then I started to feel the bed shift, feeling a strong arm lay across my torso.

I still jumped to Dagur's touch, still not getting used to being around him, he was like this dark source hanging off of me, watching my every move.

I'm like a flame and he's the moth drawn right into me, he's already stripped me of my pride and taken almost everything away from me.

Soft lips pressed against my neck as Dagur let out a soft groan at me.

Slowly wrapping his arms around me gently, I stiffened a bit and just stared at the wall as always just trying to keep myself from freaking out.

The lower half of my body was still hurting, due to my almost miscarriage thanks to Dagur, but yesterday I saw a part of him that I never saw before, guilt.

Then I felt a soft kiss on my cheek, then a thick beard brushing against my skin.

"You okay?" He asked me, gently massaging my shoulder, I quickly nodded just wanting to get out of this bed so I could see Toothless again, this time not under some drug that put him to sleep.

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