Chapter 24

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Stoick's P.O.V

Hiccup finally managed to go back to sleep gods why did he have to be so stubborn? Odin he get's that from me.

I will never let him out of my sight, never again.

I could hear Gobber coming down the steps, I quickly looked over to see him coming over towards me."How is he?" I asked.

Hiccup had been out of it, waking up only a little bit, the babe would sleep for hours without making a peep.

She would only wake if she wanted to feed or needed a change.

"He fine, just exhausted from the birth still." He sat down next to me."He gets so worked up over that baby, the only thing Hiccup wants to do is hold her."

He had that smirk on his face, Hiccup was acting so much like his mother.

Just like Valka she was the exact same way when Hiccup was born, not letting anyone else hold him.

I swear I couldn't get that woman to let him go, she was watching over him until she fell asleep, leaving me to take over him.
Demons: someone we know who did that too *look at Lucian when Jack was born Lucian refused to even sleep without baby Jack laying down on his chest , the same thing happen to his little sister when she was born Lucian would sometimes stay up all night just to stare at her fragile small form , if she even cry or twitch her arm he would jump up alert and carried her around the nursery trying to make her sleep *

Lucian: what are u looking at !? *sneered at the demons*

Demons: yep you're definitely Lucius Malfoy unofficial nephew , you have the Malfoy sneer alright 🥲
But this was different, this was my first grandchild after all.

I was happy of course but I was still angry, all because of I could feel for that boy all of this could have been stopped, but I wasn't there in time I couldn't protect my only son.

I felt like I failed him, I could have broken out, but how I thought to myself, how could I have seen this coming?

Gobber rested a hand on my shoulder."He's going to be alright Stoick." I wasn't going to let my son go, never again.

My son was now a parent, he was still young and has no idea what it takes to be a father, or in this case a mother.

The birth was difficult on Hiccup, but he pulled through.

But now what was I going to do with Dagur? I could kill him, right now.

But Hiccup... Hiccup has feeling for him, I don't know how but I know what it led up to be.

Stockholm syndrome, I could see it a mile a way.

The way Dagur and Hiccup look at each other... something that should have never happened in the first place, but it was too late, what done is done.

Dagur is the father of my granddaughter, the person that was responsible for all of this.

I could feel my blood boiling over again, wanting to slam my fist onto the table, but kept together not wanting to wake up Hiccup or the baby.

"What in Odin's name am I going to do?" I looked back up finally, seeing Gobbers sunken blue eyes.

He sat down right next to me."In all honesty, I want to kill Dagur as much as you do, but we need to handle this...delicately." I didn't know what to say."For Hiccup's sake."

I slowly nodded, sighing heavily again."What am I going to do Gobber? What would Valka say if she were to see us now?" I know she would down at me, she probably would have killed me of she had the chance.

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