Chapter Twenty-Four

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I was in my room watching a series on my laptop when the fight between Kace and Zaynab happened. I heard the sound of people running along the hall and occasional screams. At first, I thought it was a fire but the scene I found when I got downstairs was chaotic which led me to wonder what transpired.

My current concern however was Sayd. We had been in the waiting room for close to seven hours. After Kace beat the living daylights out of Zaynab I called for an ambulance and went along with him and Sayd to the hospital. When we got there, the nurse asked us to wait in the waiting room while they attended to him.

"Sayd," I put a hand on her shoulder while she was sitting on one of the chairs with her legs crossed and head on the armrest. She looked so miserable like she had seen a horror film that had turned out to be real life.

"Yes," she turned her head and looked up at me.

"We've been here for hours, don't you think......."

"No, I'm not leaving," she cut me off. " You can leave if you want to. I appreciate you coming here with me. "

I let out a breath and sat on the seat next to hers. "I wasn't going to say I want to leave. I just wanted us to go home, change our clothes and grab a bit on our way back here. "

She smiled weakly. " I'm sorry Mera, I'm just a little confused. I just—," she covered her face and shook her head." I feel like I saw another side of Kace today. Why would he do something like this ?"

" I don't know babe," and I didn't. I had a little more understanding of wolves other than their existence. I knew that they are possessive towards their mates and if another wolf makes a claim on them they would fight it out. Was that it? Was Zaynab a wolf also? If he was then why wasn't he fighting back? There had to be a reasonable explanation and only Kace could give us that. Since I got a hold of Sayd's phone on our way to the hospital, I had been trying to call him but I couldn't get to him at all.

" I'm sure Kace can explain all this."

"I don't know," she murmured and looked away. As we continued talking a nurse came through the door where Zaynab was taken and we both stood from our seats.

"Ms Pierce?" she said to Sayd.

"Yes, "Sayd responded impatiently. " Is he okay?"

" Yes, he's responded excellently to the treatment and miraculously he had no broken bones except for his nose. "

"Oh, thank you so much," She said sounding relieved with a hand on her chest.

" Just doing our job ma'am. I'll just need a statement of what happened so we can hand it over to the police. "

"Umm," I quickly jumped in. " We're a little tired nurse, can we give you the statement after we freshen up a bit? We'll only be gone a few minutes. "

"Of course, my shift ends tomorrow at six so I'm here all night. "

"Great," I said holding Sayd by her shoulders. " Come on Sayd, let's head home." I was glad to see she wasn't opposing me.

When we got home Sayd still wasn't back to her normal self despite hearing that her friend didn't break any bones. Which was a miracle to me given the extent of his cuts and bruises. Maybe being a wolf helped him, if he was one. I wasn't really sure how fast they healed I just knew it was faster than the average human.

I turned on the hot water to make some noodles for Sayd and I while she took a shower. As I waited for them to boil I checked my phone for the first time in hours and found a couple of missed calls from Timothy. Then I realised I didn't tell him what had happened and where I was. When I started to dial his number to call him back, my phone rang and an unknown number appeared on the screen.

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