Chapter Two

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"Sayd, let's go, " my best friend, Mera grabbed me by my arm and dragged me into the lecture room"  We can't watch this, we'll be late."

We had just witnessed what would have turned into a horrific fight and it left me a bit shaken what shocked me more was that people were cheering on instead of trying to stop it. It would have tried out badly considering that the other guy picked up his opponent like he was a piece of paper.

" That's the guy I was telling you about, " Mera said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"The guy?" I asked.

"Yes, the one who lost beat Elvis up, " she said with excitement bubbling up in her. "He's the one I caught staring at
you the other day in class."

"At me?"

Before Mera could respond I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey babe, "I recognised Danté's voice and the way he would perversely grab my waist very close to my butt.

" Danté, " I turned around and he let me go.

Dante was my boyfriend, I met him a few years ago in one of my classes. He wasn't doing in most of his classes and since I was a tutor part-time he signed up to be one of the students. 

"What do you want Danté?"

Unfortunately, Danté was not the best partner. In the beginning, he was good to me. He would take me out on dates often and get me gifts then he slowly stopped doing all those things. Unfortunately for me, I had already fallen for him and it was hard for me to let him go.  I kept forgiving him even if he would go silent for two weeks or upload pictures on his social media with different females in a place that looked like a club. As time went on I began to detach myself from him and slowly but surely I was getting somewhere.

" Come on babe you aren't still upset with me right?"

" Of course I am, you stood me up, for the fifth time this week. "

"I'm sorry babe, I was just held up with something. "

If something was ditching our plans and choosing to go out with his other friends and not even telling me about it, then yeah, he was busy with something.

"Danté," Mera interrupted. "Just let me talk to her okay."

" Okay, " he said sounding hopeful. "Maybe after class, we could do something," he looked at my body perversely.

I didn't respond to him but shook my head and walked past him. 

"What do you mean talk to me ?" I asked Mera referring to what she told Dante.

"I just said that to make him get off your case," she said as we walked to our seats.

Mera was that one friend who just got me. I didn't have many friends and I was fortunate enough that the few I did have were genuine. I met Mera back in high school during our junior year and we did everything together. Fast forward to college, and we remained as close as ever. Sometimes I felt I was way out of her league since she came from a wealthy family and she was the very definition of extroverted. Everyone wanted to be her friend because she was so gorgeous and cool but she still never neglected me regardless.

"Come in please, take your seats, " Professor Abbott said.

Mera sat upfront a few seats away from the front and she immediately took out her phone. It was clear she hated psychology or learning in general.

" Good, " he said after we were all settled. He took out a book and a board marker.  "So just a recap before we begin the Biological perspective, What is......" Before he finished his sentence something else got his attention

" Mr Cohen, nice of you to join us."
I turned to look at the entrance and the guy who almost beat Elvis up in the parking lot walked in.

" Sorry Professor, " he said walking to an empty seat. " It won't happen again."

" Take a seat please," he said, " so Mr. Cohen, I just asked the class to define Psychology from our previous lessons. Any thoughts?"

"Well," he said, in a deep and confident voice. " It's the mental characteristics of a person."

"Okay, mental characteristics, very good Mr. Cohen." The professor agreed walking to the other side of the class. " Any addition?"

"I think it's more than that, " I began, " I think it's more of a study. A study of the human mind."

"Excellent Ms. Pierce. "

" Just an addition sir, " he said again raising his hand. " I believe it still goes back to my definition because the human mind is made of its characteristics."

" Human mind is more than mental characteristics, persona, make-up and attitude," I immediately answered trying to discredit his answer like I thought he was doing mine. 

"Like your attitude? " he responded.

Oh? I turned to look at him but he wasn't looking at me at all but at the professor.

" Academic argument, music to my ears," Professor Abbott said excitedly. "Now you are both right. Remember we said there's no one definition to it. So let's move on to today's lesson. "


"Okay now remember to submit a 2000-page review paper to my email by Monday, " The professor said concluding the class. "That will be all for today."

We all got up from our seats and started packing our stuff. Mera seemed anxious to leave, the girl was the first to walk out. She said she had to rush cause this guy she currently had a thing with was not so far outside the room waiting for her.

I stood up from my chair and just as I was about to leave I noticed the guy from the parking lot still in the room along with two other people who were packing up their stuff as well. I decided to stop at his seat before walking out.

"Hi," I said to him, " I'm Sayd."

I stretched my hand out but he paid no attention to me but instead continued to pack up his books.

" I noticed you know your Psychology well, " I said retracting my hand.

He answered me with silence and got up from his seat.

" I have a study group maybe you could join us and—" Before I could continue he got his books and walked out.

"What in the world?" I murmured as he left. It was like I wasn't even there which made me wonder if he had a problem with me. Deciding to ignore everything, I equally grabbed my books and left the class. 

So much shade Kace. Lol. All for a good cause we hope.
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