Chapter Thirty -One

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~Kace ~

I left Sayd and Mera's house shortly after Mera and her friend arrived. To be completely honest I thought it was good timing that they walked in. I hadn't seen Sayd in a long time and I missed her and everything about her. Before leaving I asked if I could see her over the weekend just for us to talk.

I was driving to her house but before I got there I wanted to stop by Mom's to see how she was doing. She was staying at the former Beta's wife's house. Graham thought she might be more comfortable if she lived with people her age.

I stopped my car at the pack gates to have my identity confirmed. Grahams's pack was heavily guarded, you had to have an ID or your details in their database to cross over.

"Good morning," I said to one of the guards.

"Alpha Cohen, Good morning. "

"Hello Edward," I said rolling my window down. " How's work going so far?"

"It's quiet here as always, " he responded.

"That's a good thing I suppose," I said and he nodded with a smile. " I'm just here to visit a few people. "

"No explanation needed, it's always a pleasure having you in our pack. "

He pressed a button and the metal gates opened.

" Enjoy your stay," he said and I drove in.

After a few minutes of driving, I slowed down as I got to a grey house. A few people were standing outside guarding the house and I was reminded that this was Graham's mom's house. His father and former Beta retired from the role but was currently in other packs forming alliances.

When I got out of the car the people guarding the house immediately recognised me. I said my greetings to a few of them before I went up to the door and knocked. A woman wearing a white dress and with black hair answered the door.

"Hello ms," before I could say anything else her face lit up and she pulled me in a hug.

"You must be Kace, oh you look just like your mother," she said examining my face.

"Yes, I'm Kace," I confirmed.

"I'm Vicky, " she introduced herself. " Come on in. Your mother is in the living room. "

She ushered me into the house and into the living room. Mom was sitting on one of the couches flicking through the channel on the television. She looked vibrant now, better than the other times I had seen her. I suppose that had something to do with my father. Now that he was gone she could no longer feel his struggle. She looked like herself again.

"Hi mom," I said from behind her.

She turned around swiftly and when she saw me a smile appeared on her face. She then got up from her seat and wrapped me in a hug.

"I didn't know you'd be coming over today," she said directing me to a chair opposite hers.

"Well, I wanted to surprise you. " I said taking a seat.

"That's sweet of you my boy," she said. "This is my friend and neighbour Vicky. " She gestured to the lady who answered the door.

"Oh yes, we introduced ourselves to each other. "

"I hear a lot of good things about you Kace. Your mother about you all the time. "

"It's good to know I have a good reputation going for me," I said and they both giggled.

"I'll leave you two to catch up. " Vicky said leaving the house. "I'll see you tomorrow. "

When she left, my mother turned her full attention to me. It was the first time I had come to visit her after Zaynab showed up. I felt bad that I couldn't make more time for her mostly because I was keeping a look out.

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