Chapter Twenty-Six

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I carried Sayd from the forest and to my house. Another part of me was debating whether I should take her to the hospital, but my house was closer to where we were and I needed her to wake up first before I did anything else.

I thought about all the events that happened today and the fact that Zaynab was still out there. And how the life that I got used to suddenly changed in just a matter of hours.

I got to my place about an hour later and took Sayd up to my room and laid her on the bed. The house was empty because the other guys and I split up to look for Mera and Sayd. I heard voices downstairs and with my guard still up, I went downstairs quickly and saw Sonny coming in with Graham.

"Kace, I heard what happened. Is everyone alright?" He seemed to be in one piece and in different clothes from the ones he left in.

"I should be asking you that. "

" We found him on the way back here with Reid, just after I got you out of the cell," Sonny explained.

"What happened to you?" I asked him.

"Well, I went out with a few girls to a concert out of town and spent a few nights there. When I came back here I found this whole place trashed and before I could go and look for you guys, Sonny got here. "

That didn't make any sense. " That's all that happened? "

"Yeah, pretty much. Reid's car's parked outside and the keys are right here with me. "

"What about your phone ?" I asked him. "Zaynab called me using your phone. "

" There were over ten thousand people at the concert, I lost much more than from my phone. He must have taken it there. "

"Son of a bitch."

For as long as I could remember Zaynab loved to play mind games and that's exactly what he was doing now. He planned all this. He wanted me to beat him up. He wanted Sayd to see me in my wolf form.  And I gave him exactly that.

"Did you find Sayd ?" Sonny asked changing the subject.

"Yes I did, she's not in good shape though. "

"Damn, is she here?"

"Yeah, she's upstairs. Unconscious. "

Before we could go upstairs to my room we heard other voices arguing outside. Then Timothy and Mera showed up at our door and I noticed the cuts on his face and his busted lip.

"Timothy, would you please relax," Mera said walking behind him.

The moment he saw me, his eyes narrowed and he walked towards me and grabbed me by my shirt.

"I should kill you and end your entire bloodline right now Cohen."

"Timothy, would you stop? This is not his fault." Mera negotiated with him as she tried to pull his arms away.

"Watch it," I said with gritted teeth and I grabbed his shirt also. " I'm not in the mood today. "

"Enough," Sonny said standing between Timothy and I. " We have bigger problems on our hands right now and we'll have even bigger ones if we do not take Sayd to the hospital right now. "

At the mention of Sayd's name, Timothy released his grip from me.

"Where is she ?"

"Upstairs," Sonny pointed to my room.

Both he and Mera rushed upstairs to my room and the rest of us followed them behind. I stood by the doorway and watched as Timothy and Mera sat on either side of my bed.

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