Chapter Seven

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As we drove to her house she silently stared out the window the wi down the whole time with her arm against the armrest. I rolled down the window on my side because the car was filled with her aroma, which if I must admit was intoxicating me. Deciding to drive a little fast to get this over with quickly, I stepped on the accelerator and shortly after we drove over a bump causing her to jump in her seat.

"What the heck?" she looked at me angrily. " Could you drive like a normal person?"

"I have things to do," I said blankly. " Forgive me that I don't have the time to drive at 25km/h to your house. But walking is am option for you of course "

"Ass wipe," I heard her curse underneath her breath..

"I heard that."

"Good. "

We continued the drive in silence until she finally spoke again. "Why did you carry me out of the party?"

"Excuse me?" I asked her.

" I mean there were a million drunk girls flat on the ground  everywhere, but why me?

"You want the truth?" I turned to look at her then back at the road.

"Yes," she looked at me suspiciously assuming the worst of the truth.

To intensify her curiosity I took a minute more before I answered.

"You were the prettiest one there, " I couldn't help but laugh inwardly at the drop of her expression.

"Very funny," she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious, everybody loves a damsel in distress that's easy on the eyes. " I said. "Plus I thought Sonny had a thing for you so I wanted to bring him something nice. "

She smacked my arm. "You're something else you know," she sounded outraged. " Well too bad for the both of you, because I have a boyfriend who's so into me so—"

"I am not trying to pursue you," I immediately said.

"Oh," she said after a pause." Well, good."

"Good," I repeated.

"Good," she said again.

The car then came to a sudden stop causing her and jeek forward a abit and this time I actually felt bad.

"You're a crappy driver you know that?"

"We're here," I said pointing out her window.

She turned to look outside then looked back at me and squinted her eyes.

" How do you know where I live?"

Lucky for me I didn't have to answer that question because Danté her fridn who followed her everywhere appeared through her front door. Both of them seemed frustrated about something as though they were yelling at each other and Danté seemed to get angrier when he saw me in the car with Sayd.

"Oh no," she said.

"That is your boyfriend?"

"Would you stop?" she seemed panicked " Don't leave your car. Just drive away, thank you for the ride. "

She opened the door and instead of driving away I sat and watched as she her boyfriend walked angrily towards her and started to yell at her. She started to negotiate with him as he made he made gestures towards me and my car and then he roughly grabbed her arm yanking her back and forth. Without thinking I got out the car and walked toward him.

"Do we have a problem here?"

Immediately he saw me he let go of Sayd and as he started to approach me. Sayd came and stood between us.

"This is the payback I've been waiting for," he said between gritted teeth.

"No, " Sayd put her hand against him. "Please, don't do this here, my landlord will kick me out of her building. "

Danté took another step forward ignoring her pleas. She then decided to plead with me seeing it was hopeless with Danté.

"Kace, thank you so much for helping me at the party but please I beg you leave. "

"Wait a minute, " her friend said as she was watching from a distance. "You spent the night at his place?" she smiled in approval.

"No—yes but nothing happened," she put gee has on her forehead and shook her head.

"I'll take my leave now," I said looking at her then at Danté then back at her "Are you going to be okay? "

"Yes, thank you," She quickly said and began pulling Danté into her apartment complex.

I arrived home fouty minutes later to a room full of guys still with no shirts on.

"Do you not own shirts?" I asked passing by them.

"Well someone's a little cranky," Sonny teased me.

"Maybe he had a argument with Sayd."

"Wait he didn't come back with her,"  Graham looked around. " I have a lot to teach you my friend. "

"Yeah I'll pass. "


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