Chapter Eight

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"Hey Sayd, are you done with my statistics assignment? " Mera asked while combing her hair.

I put the bunch of papers stapled together on her dresser.  "You know, it'd be nice if you participated in your own homework. "

"You know I can't count."

"Mera—," I hesitated deciding not to argue with her. " You know what, let's just get to class. Mr Atwell already hates me, I don't want to get on his bad side today. "

She got up from the dresser and paused when she looked at me.

"Aren't you gonna get dressed for class?" She asked giving me a once over.

"I already am."

"Jeans and a T-shirt, typical Sayd."

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"Oh nothing," she said adding another coat of mascara," just that ever since Kace stopped coming to class I've noticed.....this." She gestured at me up and down.


"I understand though, no one to impress."

For the past three weeks, Mera has been on my case about Kace and how he rescued and defended me. She was right about him not attending Psychology classes but that wasn't any of my business and neither did I care.

"Mera, it's been three weeks, don't you think it's time to let this go? Besides I didn't even notice his absence until you mentioned it. "


"Okay, whatever you say." She waltzed past me and stood at the door.

"Who knows he might show today—."

"I said drop it!"


Neither Mera nor I had a car so it meant walking to or taking a bus, in which case we walked. Timothy was gifted a car before me for his eighteenth. I kept my fingers crossed on my eighteenth birthday but it came and went without a car and here we are today. By the time we got to the campus grounds, we had only five minutes left for classes to begin. We walked quickly along with other students who were racing for their classes and I spotted Kace walking casually nearby.

Immediately I looked at him, his head turned and looked at me. He held my stare for a short while and I thought it was only reasonable to wave hello but instead of waving back he turned away and proceeded towards class. What a jerk!

As expected the lecture hall was almost full when I walked in, My favourite seats in the front row were all occupied but for Mr. Atwell's classes, I avoided the front by all means necessary.

"Ms. Pierce, " Mr. Atwell called my name before I could find a seat. " You're late again. "

There were literally other people walking into the room but as usual, he chose to come after me.

"I'm sorry sir," I said finding a place in the second last row.

"Of course you are. "

Mera walked in behind me and tapped my shoulder to try and cheer me up. Ever since my first year here I would always study my hardest for Mr. Akwell's course, just like the rest of the courses and I would always get the best grades too, except for his no matter how hard and long I studied. It didn't take too long to realise that he was grading me unfairly. When I approached him on the matter he proposed to exchange fair grades for sexual favours. I immediately reported him to the school board but unfortunately, he wasn't fired because I didn't have valid evidence. After that, he started grading me fairly but made my life in the classroom hell at the same time.

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