Chapter Five

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"So are you coming or not?" Graham asked me.

"No, I'm not interested, " I responded while I wrote a few things in a notepad.

" Come on, don't be a jerk, " he said, "Okay you're already a jerk so don't be an even bigger one. Go there for the vulnerable at least, buy a few drinks, make some donations at the door or just blow off some steam."

Graham tried to make me tag along to the random parties he went to. This time he's way of giving back to the community was organising a party and getting people drunk enough to empty their pockets. Sonny and Reid weren't home, I assumed they were at the party already. Don't get me wrong I believed in giving back to the community but in more civilized ways.

" I think Sayd will be there too," he said trying to get to me.

"I don't care," I said blankly.

"I don't even know why I bother with you," he said taking his coat from the rack and putting on his usual shades. " I'm out of here. " A few minutes later he went out of the front door.

When I finished with my work I went upstairs to my room and decided to take a shower. As I did I tried my best to ignore the little voice in my head that was telling me to go for the party. I didn't care about going there and I didn't care who was there.


I parked outside the place where the party was ten minutes later. When I got out of my car the first thing I noticed was how loud the music was. People were making out on the lawn and even more inside. As I walked towards the entrance, my face wrinkled because of the stench of alcohol which made me immediately regret coming here. Loud parties with drunk people everywhere had never interested me at all. Once in a while, I did go to some but most of the time I preferred not to.

Before walking into the chaos that was inside I dropped a few bills in the donations box that was at the door. It was impossible to walk in and not bump into someone. This place was packed, enough so that I started to reconsider my opinion about it not being a good fundraising idea.

"Look who showed up," Graham said approaching me with two other females

" Nice party you have going. " I said looking around.

"I know right," he said proudly. " We already raised a ton of cash already. "

"Do you want want any company ?" One of the girls that Graham took a step towards me and slid a finger against my chest.

"No, thank you," said stopping her hand.

"Kace is a one-woman man, unfortunately," Graham said and she went back into his arms. "And his woman is over there with another man."

I looked in the direction he was looking and I did not expect to see Sonny standing close to Sayd. He was leaning in closer to her ear and was saying something to her. What the hell was he doing? My eyes narrowed when he said something to her that made her mouth stretch into a smile. I wanted to go to him and knock the living daylights out of him but I didn't want to seem too obvious. So I stood there and watched as I waited for him to give me more of a reason to end him tonight.

Out of nowhere, Danté showed up and grabbed Sayd by her arm ripping her from Sonny. I watched Sonny and Danté have an exchange of words. I saw red when Sayd tried to negotiate with Danté but he shoved her onto the floor.

I swiftly got to where they were and in no time at all my hand was around Danté neck. I dragged him along with me until he got to the wall. I rolled my fist into a ball and hit him across the face making him fall to the ground as he gasped for air. Just as I was about to hit him again I felt hands on my arm.

"Stop, please!" she begged me not to hit her boyfriend again. "Please."

I looked down at her as she looked at me pleadingly. Her hand was still holding onto my arm. I never took orders from anyone but her grasp was enough to make me loosen my grip on Danté making him tumble to the floor.

"What do you think you're doing?" Danté asked her furiously.

I looked back at him and with my guard down he punched me across the face making my head turn. That was when I knew that he was a dead man. Sayd's eyes widened as she looked from me to Danté and I rolled my fist into a ball again and clobbered him onto the ground.

"Nooo," She complained and Sonny tried to yank me off of him as the crowd cheered me on.

"That's," hit

"For," hit

"Touching," hit

"A female," hit

"That's enough Kace, " Sonny said pulling me by my shirt.

Danté rolled away from me and crawled onto his feet.

" Cops!" someone yelled from the crowd.

People broke away from the crowd and began running out through every entrance and just when I was about to head out I saw Sayd laying flat on the floor. She wasn't moving so I walked to her and that's when I as that she was unconscious. 


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