Chapter Twenty-Seven

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They say not everything is as it seems, and not everything that seems is. In the past week, I got a practical feel of that saying. I watched my life flash before my eyes as a gigantic beast hunted me down. I learned that my brother who I had lived with my entire life and the guy who was my heart was slowly choosing, including all his friends were wolves. Werewolves. Wolf people were real. I had to pinch myself every five minutes to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"Hey Sayd, are you done packing ?" Mera called out to me from her room.

I was in my room packing up my stuff and getting ready to leave for Graham's territory. That's another thing I learned. That wolves lived in territories and are collectively called packs, wolf packs. I suppose I should thank him. I was afraid for my life with Zaynab still roaming around.

I thought about the time Kace and I talked about him having a brother who was after what he had and realizing that all along that brother had been Zaynab and I was just a pawn in his game to get to Kace. I thought about how he helped me the first day I met him and how nice he was to me. He would have killed me then if he wanted to.

"Sayd," Mera came to my door. " We have to go, Graham and Timothy are already outside. "

"Okay, I'm on my way."

After I made sure I packed everything, I made my way downstairs and met Graham and Timothy waiting. When Timothy saw me he got my suitcase from me and pulled me in a side hug and I smiled at him. I was still trying to accept what he was so I didn't hug him back but smiled at him.

"How's your foot?"

"Good," I nodded. "A lot better. "

Graham's pack wasn't too far away, it was just a forty minutes drive from our apartment. When we got there, the first thing that came to mind was how wrong I imagined the place to be. It looked like a normal town with normal buildings and normal people, just the town I was from. I looked outside the car window and saw people drinking their coffee and mingling outside a large mall and how they laughed and interacted with their shopping bags and I wondered if they were all wolves.

"Everything alright?" Graham asked.

"Yes," I smiled at him. "Your home is beautiful and very tidy. "

" Thanks, I'm glad you think so. "

We drove for a few minutes and then we stopped in front of a two-storey house near the beach.

"We're here."
When we got out of the car, my shoes sunk in brown sand as I took in the beauty of the beach house and the sky-blue waters in front of it. Apart from the sand and the water, the house was surrounded by a freshly cut green lawn and tall palm trees that lead to the entrance.

"Graham, this place is gorgeous, " Mera said equally breath taken by the house.

"I'm glad you like it, " he said helping with the bags. " I was hoping you would. I picked this one out for you. "

" Can you believe it Sayd? We have the whole beach to ourselves. "

" It's very beautiful," I agreed with her. " Thank you, Graham. "

The inside of the house was just as breathtaking as the outside. Graham showed us all the rooms, which I ended up losing count of, but that was okay, I had already planned to revisit them all. We choose our rooms and both Timothy and Graham helped us with our bags then left shortly after. I liked that the room was so similar to my room. It had a queen-sized bed in the centre, a built-in closet, and a couch at the end of the room opposite my bed. My favourite thing however had to be the sliding door that lead to the balcony. I loved to star gaze, that was the reason I chose to live on the last floor of our apartment building.

As I was folding my clothes on the bed Mera knocked on my door and opened it.

"Hey, Sayd."


"Could you come downstairs for a bit? There's someone who wants to meet us."

"Oh really? Who?"

"Timothy said it's the alpha of this pack. "

"Okay, " I said closing my suitcase. " I'll be down in a minute. "

Another thing I learned was a pack was led by an Alpha wolf, usually born into the role. His second in command was the Beta.

Before she left the room I called her name. " Hey Mera?"

" Yeah?" she said stopping at my door.

" I've been wondering ...."


" When you found out that Timothy was a wolf, why didn't you tell me? "

Her eyebrows furrowed. " I wanted to tell you. " She walked back into my room and sat next to me in the bed. " So bad. You saw how I struggled. But when Timothy told me, he also told me how important it was for him that it was him that he told you himself. "

Well, its not like he did. I remembered the time when Mera looked like she was traumatised about something Timothy did. Now I understood exactly what.

"I'm sorry you had to find out the way you did," she moved her hand up and down my shoulder. " But they're all good people. Just like you've always known them to be."

I didn't respond to her comment but got up from the bed and gestured to her for us to go downstairs. When got to the living room, Graham was sitting on one of the chairs and across him was a man dressed in a blue button-up shirt and black pants. When we walked in they both got up from their seats and extended a hand towards us.

"Sayd, Mera, this is Enzo, the leader and alpha of this pack. "

"It's nice to finally meet you both," Enzo said when we shook his hand. He looked just about our age, only that his clothes made him look older. His mouth stretched into a smile exposing his youthfulness.

"It's nice to meet you also," I said.

"When Graham told me about your circumstances, I was more than happy to welcome you both into our pack. "

"That's really nice of you," Mera said.

"You're safe here, I assure you."

As we were talking the front door opened and Kace walk in with two other girls and a guy. When I saw him, I realised it had been almost two weeks since the last time we talked. He looked better than the last time I saw him. His eyes were not puffy anymore, showing that he finally caught up on sleep and I also noticed he got a new haircut and had his usual serious expression on. One of the girls he walked in with was walking insanely close to him. I recognised her from one of my classes, I just wasn't sure of name.

"Alpha Cohen, I'm glad you could join us."


"It's good to see you again, Alpha Enzo, " Kace said shaking his hand. " You can just call me Kace by the way."

"Great," Enzo said enthusiastically, " I just came to meet the girls and make sure they feel at home ." Kace looked from Mera to me and we both held each other's stare for a few seconds and then he ripped his eyes away.

"I see, that's very kind of you. I just brought Natasha, Bailey and Adan here. "

" Oh yes, " Enzo said and looked back at us. " These are the best warriors. In case you see or hear anything suspicious they're only one call away. "

Adan and Bailey both took a step forward to shake our hands and when I moved to shake Natasha's hand she kept her arms crossed and murmured a hello. I raised my eyebrow and took a step back.

" Well, I best be on my way," Kace said to Enzo and without sparing us a glance he turned round and walked out the door.

"Alpha, Beta, " Natasha said to Graham and Enzo. " May I be excused?"

"Of course," Graham said and I watched her hurry outside.

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