Chapter Twenty-Five

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I watched Mera run back in the direction we were from like her life depended on it and made me promise to drive in any direction except our apartment. When we were from the hospital I went straight to my room to take a shower just so I could think. My day started out normal but the rest of it was anything but. I was supposed to go out with Zaynab as we had planned. He came a little earlier than expected and I wasn't anywhere close to ready, so I asked him to come in and wait for me in the living room. Shortly I found a ton of missed call notifications from Kace and he showed up looking alarmed before he beat Zaynab to a pulp.

Now I was sitting in Timothy's car, running from who knows what. This was too much for me. I promised Mera I'd continue driving but my hands were frozen on the steering wheel staring silently in the direction Mera ran. When she was completely out of site I turned to look at the road ahead and exhaled. I couldn't just drive anywhere. I needed somewhere to go, and the police station was the first place that came to mind. I knew a local police station that was close by so I stepped on the accelerator and began to drive in that direction. I appreciated that there were no other cars on the street or else I would've become anxious because of my lack of experience.

I hit the breaks along the way, I couldn't drive like this, not when I couldn't focus at all. My mind was constantly drifting back to Mera and Timothy and Kace. Mera was worried about Timothy well I was worried about them both. I just needed some answers. So without thinking twice I turned the car around and started to head back home. We left in such a hurry that I didn't carry my phone. Hopefully, I'd find Mera along the way.

As I was driving back I turned the headlights on to maximum brightness because my eyesight wasn't the best at night. From a distance, I saw something standing in the middle of the road. I squinted my eyes and as I got closer it became bigger and bigger. It looked like a dog. A really big dog. What the hell is that? It began walking in circles when I stopped the car while looking straight at me. My heart dropped when I took in the full extent of its massiveness. That was no dog, it was covered in a thick coat of black fur, if I didn't know any better I'd say it looked like a wolf, but like no wolf I had ever seen.

It began to walk slowly towards me and I fumbled with the keys until I turned the ignition and started the car. I didn't have time to turn the car so I hit reverse and started driving backwards as I tried to escape the monstrosity in front of me. I drove faster and used my memory of the road not to hit anything.

To my surprise when I looked forward to see the animal it was no longer there. I stopped the car and continued to look around for a while. When I saw nothing I started the car again and before I could drive off something hit the door of the driver's seat hard causing the window to crack. I covered my face to protect myself from any broken glass as I screamed in hotter and it hit my door again. Before it could rip it off completely, I crawled to the passenger's seat, opened the door and made a run for it. As I was running I throw my flip-flops off because they were slowing me down. I wasn't much of a runner but at that moment I run as fast as my legs carry me. There were no houses in the area, only a few industrial buildings and they were completely dark with no one working at this hour.

I continued running for my life until I unexpectedly hit something hard that sent me stumbling to the ground. Before I could get up and continue to run a hand grabbed me and stopped me. I turned to see who it was and despite it being dark the light from the moon made it possible for me to identify them.

"Slow down Sayd. "

Zaynab. My eyes were wet from the wind and I held on to him as if holding on for dear life as I was completely of breath and was on the verge of falling to the ground. As I wiped my eyes and caught my breath, it hit me that Zaynab was not supposed to be here. He couldn't be.

"We have to stop meeting like this," he said with a straight smile.

"How—," I let go of him and so did he and I took a few steps back.

His face had no stitches, not a single scratch or bruise. How was this possible? The last time I saw him he had bruises everywhere and he could barely get up and that was just a few hours ago.

"What's the matter Sayd?" he asked slowly. " You look like you've seen a ghost. "

I might as well have.

"How are you here? I left you in the hospital. "

"You know I always thought Mera was the dumb one. "

I continued to move away from him until I stopped against a tree.

"It's a wolf thing my dear," he said casually.

"W-what? " my voice came out as a whisper.

He rolled his eyes and then looked at me like I was stupid. " I really hate repeating myself maybe I'll just show you."

Show me? Show me what?

"Show me what?" he smirked devilishly and took a step forward and whispered in my ear.

"Your worst nightmare."

Right before my eyes, I saw his body transform abnormally and his bones reshape. It was like nothing I had ever seen. My eyes grew in disbelief as claws protruded from him and his entire body became covered in fur. When his transformation was complete my back was still against the tree hoping it could open up and swallow me whole. With my wobbly legs, I managed to move a few steps away from the tree. This couldn't be real. I just watched a human turn into a wolf. How was this even possible?

His fangs protruded and he started to growl at me that's when I knew I had to run. I picked myself up with the little strength left in me and went for the woods. It seemed he was giving me a head start as he didn't follow me when I started to run. But I didn't care at all, I just wanted to get away. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me in the dense woods constantly changing direction and hoping I would eventually lose him. I realised my strategy wasn't working when I heard him running closer from behind me.

To my complete horror, I felt something stab the bottom of my leg and I screeched in pain as I fell to the ground. Even through the pain dragged myself against the swigs and hard rocks on the ground until I couldn't anymore. As I was on the ground I turned to see Zaynad staring a me from a distance. Was this how it was going to end for me?

Just as he was about to attack me another wolf came out of nowhere and hauled itself at Zaynab sending him flying off until he slammed into a tree. As Zaynab picked himself up I took in the sight of the other wolf. The other wolf looked just like Zaynab's only with a brown coat of fur and it was slightly bigger. I watched as the wolf growled at Zaynab and dug in claws into the ground. Not giving him a chance to get up it ran towards Zaynab's direction and dragged him against the tree again until it broke.

It was complete chaos as I watched the two wolves battle each other with their claws piercing and ripping into each other's skin. I tried my best to get up and run but the sharp object in my leg prevented me. I tried to pull it out but more pain pulsed through my leg and I quivered.

Eventually, I noticed that Zaynab's black wolf was limping on one leg. The other brown wolf stood not too far from it and when it tried to attack again Zaynab retreated into the woods. I didn't know whether to be happy about that at that point I wasn't sure of anything. I froze when it looked at me and began to walk towards me. Thankfully it stopped when it saw me moving away and took a step back.

"Please, I haven't done anything. " I begged. I noticed some hesitation before it stood in place and just like Zaynab, the wolf transformed but this time into a person.


My heart rate accelerated and so did my breathing when I saw who it was. I was literally gasping for air.

"Sayd, let me help you."

"Kace," Was I hallucinating? Was this all a bad dream? The last thing I remember was whispering his name before everything turned black.

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