Chapter Fourty- Three

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There are some things we can never assign to oblivion, memories we can never rub away. They remain with us forever, like a touchstone. This one was one of them.

I woke up the next morning feeling like I was in a cloud and stretching myself on the enormous bed I was on feeling the soft sheets against my skin. I extended my arms over to the other side to my disappointment he was not there. I sat up on the bed and rubbed my eyes awake. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and considered it was early enough for me to wake up. I got up from the bed holding the sheet against my body and walked to the bathroom. Before I got there I noticed there was a tray on the desk in Kace's room with a note on it and a plate of pancakes and orange juice. I covered my mouth failing to conceal my smile. Was Kace even real? Was it possible for a person to be this romantic? I picked up the note and my smile grew even wider as I read it.

'Good morning sunshine. I know you don't know your way around the house so made you some breakfast. I'm not much of a chef but I hope it will do. I had to get up early to discuss with the guys about the latest development so if you need me, I'm downstairs.'

I was in love. I was stupid in love. I was crazy in love. And I loved it.

I wanted to take a shower first but I was so hungry so I devoured the pancakes and drank the juice first. They had to be the best I had ever tasted, maybe the fact that Kace made them had something to do with it. When I was done I went to take a shower and lucky for me the water was hot. I made sure I didn't wet my hair while I was at it because I was sure most men didn't own a blow dryer. After I was done, I played around with some of his products not minding at all that I would end up smelling like him.

I had no idea where my clothes were so I went into Kace's closet to hopefully find something that I could wear in the meantime. Kace was much bigger than me so most of his shirts were oversize and went all the way to my thighs.

When I got dressed I went back and lay on the bed and quickly got bored mostly because my phone was off and the house was so quiet. I began to wonder if anyone was home so I walked to the door and opened it slowly making sure nobody saw me. It was bad enough that I was in a guy's shirt, I didn't want them to know what happened last night. When I saw no one I'm sight I made my way along the hall and descended the stairs, tip-toeing my way down. I finally got to the living room and as I suspected nobody was home.

I noticed that the broken glass and furniture were gone. It was almost as good as new. I decided to go to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water and when I got there I heard the door open and I panicked. I turned around to run back upstairs.

" Sayd?" I heard Kace's call my name and I immediately stopped in my tracks. He walked towards me with a raised brow. " Why are you running? "

" Ummh," I stretched my head. " I thought you were someone else. " I said shyly.

" Oh," he said then looked down at what I was wearing. My face grew hot when his eyes stopped at my bare legs which didn't make sense given what we just did.

" Shirt looks good on you," he commented and I faced the floor. He moved closer to me until I saw his shoes standing next to my feet. He put his hand under my chin and tilted my head so that I was no longer facing the floor. At first, I thought he was going to kiss me but he just looked into my eyes and then my lips.

" Why do you want to act shy on me all of a sudden?" his minty breath touched my skin. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out and he smirked at me mischievously.

" How did you sleep?" he asked me.

"Great," was all I managed to say. How did he still have the ability to make me nervous after all this time?

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