Chapter Fourty-Four

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I didn't realise I fell asleep on the couch until Kace came to wake me up after four hours.

"I fell asleep didn't I?" I sat up on the couch in a small red blanket that I assumed Timothy covered me with.

"Yeah you did," Kace said sitting next to me. "I can take you up to my room if you like. "

"No, I didn't plan on falling asleep," I stretched myself, " I promised Mera I'd be back home by now. I feel bad that I left her alone. " Although she wasn't alone with Bailey.

" I think that's where Timothy is headed right now. "

"Oh, did he tell you that?"


"And did he apologise to you?"


I rolled my eyes. " What was he even doing here?"

"Well, he joined the team I guess," he said. " He usually comes and goes, whenever we need him. "

"Oh, I had no idea."

"Yeah, he practically lives here now. "

That was a shocker considering how much Timothy didn't like Kace and more so the fact that Kace and I were together now.

"So what are you guys going to do about Zaynab now?" I asked seeing that he brought the topic up.

"Well," he moved on the couch so that he was facing me. " If what he told you is true, then we only have four days left, so we'll go after him in the next two days. "

"The next two days?" I asked wide-eyed.

" Yeah, we already know where to find him and all his other alternative locations, so there's no reason for us to wait. "

I felt my breathing quicken as I became more anxious.

" But, ....are you guys ready?" I knew deep down I was looking for an excuse for him not to go.

"Yes we are," he assured me. " We have been preparing for this for some time now so I'm confident we are. "

"Okay," I faced the floor.

" It will be okay," he said noticing my change in expression.

" I hope so."

He held my hand and planted a kiss on the back of it.

"After everything, I will be able to take you home. "

Home. It hadn't registered in my head until now that when all of this is over I'll have a completely different life and a different home. I always told myself to take things step by step, so I hadn't considered that part yet. It's not that I didn't want it, I was just anxious about it I guess.

" Don't think too much of it," Kace said reading my silence. "You can stay here as long as you like before you decide to go. "

" Can Mera come? And Timothy?" I asked him.

"Of course, that's your brother's home. That's why he's fighting for it. "

It's amazing how fate works. Timothy came into my life as my brother and Kace as my partner. Both were from the same pack but had different lives and somehow I was what made them cross paths.

My phone rang interrupting my thoughts. I checked the screen and Mera's name was on the screen.

"I should take this."

"Okay," he stood from the couch. " Text me what you want for dinner. "

"Umm, I already cooked dinner."

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