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Maybe you shouldn't be surprised by your actions, considering this wasn't the stupidest thing you've done this week.

Just this Monday you had visited your dad back home in the city, and used some kind of lotion to brush your teeth instead of toothpaste, only because the bottle looked similar!

You had wondered why it tasted so weird, and you had used it for 2 whole days before your dad had showed you the lotion he used for his feet that apparently worked wonders, and then saw the exact same one when you were reaching for the place the 'toothpaste' you were using usually laid.

Soooo one could say you could be quite the mess, but this was really a stupid idea. You weren't being clumsy, you were completely aware how bad of an idea this was but you were going to do it anyway.

As you stepped closer you frowned slightly, the trees were all bent to one direction, the one the groan came from.

You could tell they were hit with something so big that the trees had to bend with it's trajectory.

Something had crashed into them but not stopped there, it must've had such a large impact that it continued crashing trough the forest even after hitting these first few trees.

Your knees wobbled a little and your stomach felt heavy, as if there were stones in it, dragging you down and causing you to want to sit down, but you had to keep going, you didn't know why and maybe that shouldve alerted you but you were way too stupid to listen to logical reason.

And so you continued, more and more trees were bent so you followed the path.

After a few meters you saw a little bit of light peek trough some trees in front of you.

You stepped through the last bush and looked at the clearing behind it and froze.

The stones in your stomach that had been slowly becoming lighter, still there, just lighter, came crashing down again.

The stones filled your whole body, a scream stuck in your throat and bubbling inside your being while your breathing became panicked and desperate.

All of your body parts were tense, you felt every part of your body like you never had, your senses were hyperaware of everthing around you, as you took in the scene in front of you.

A giant creature was sprawled on the clearing, alot of its body hidden in the tall and uncut grass, but you could tell it was massive.

Its breathing was heavy and it seemed like a reptile, you have never seen or heard of a reptile this big except in maybe fairytale books from your childhood.

You used to be obsessed with them, you just loved magical creatures like-


That's what this was. You sounded crazy but as you inspected the animal before you it was defnieltly one of the creatures dipicted in children's books.

You flinched when the creature moved again and groaned.

So low and intimidating.

The adrenalin came rushing back to your ears, after composing yourself and pushing away the feeling of wonder and curiosity.

You shouldn't no you COULDN'T be like this.

This was a incredibly dangerous creature, you should ignore if and call someone to look at it when you got back.

But you were never one to follow your own advice.

Just seeing the heavy breathing and heaving of the animal had you pitying it.

You vowed never to turn your back on a creature in need of medical assistance, and it's time you respected that vow.

The frantic intakes of air of the.. dragon?, were getting shallower, though not calmer, but weaker.

This was not good. You didn't know what you could do, even though you knew how to treat a reptile, you didn't know anything about this one in specific.

You had no knowledge of age, gender, species,  prior illnesses, symptom descriptions, or for how long this poor thing has been here or where it came from.

The only thing you could do is examine it briefly and treat it with the things you had in hand, which weren't alot since you had try to put as little as possible in your basket and bags so you'd have space for the groceries.

Anyhow you stepped up to the animal and put your things down. You approached from the side rounding the creature slightly and not having your body turned in it's direction, trying to not startle it.

It seemed to not see you since you came closer and nothing happened..

You dared a few more steps before inspecting the thing before you.

You saw its ginormous mouth and closed eyes, you didn't see any injury's yet, good, you didn't want to treat something so close to its teeth, tho no where in a 100 mile radios of that thing was safe, but you continued with your analysis.

You didn't see anything at its 4 legs and nothing on its stomach except ALOT of cuts and bruises, you had no ointment on you but could defnieltly put some on later, wait LATER??!!

Were you seriously considering bringing this thing home with you??? Absolutely not! That was way to dangerous and would never work.

But then you reached the creatures other side and saw a huge arrow sticking out of its shoulder.

It would kill it to leave it in but taking it out and not treating it with extreme care would also result in a fatal infection.

You had made up your mind before your brain could give you more arguments against this ridiculous operation.

But when you looked back at the dragons eyes they were open,

fixed on you.

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Yall I was gon try to not write any authors notes bcs I thought it would make this look more professional or sit bit let's be fr.

This is a fanatic with a Y/N setting (though i refuse to use that term) and x reader concept and is being published on fucking wattpad ,there is nothing remotely professional abt this.

Anyway the thing abt the toothpaste is smt that actually happened to me , I did rely use foot lotion as a toothpaste once , 0/10 would not recommend . Anyway enjoy!

ps: this is an x reader story  expect cringey things (i may be cringe but I am free)

~°Hidden beneath your scales°~ ( Dragon Shifter X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now