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Disclaimer! I don't know shit about medicine so I'll be inventing a lot of stuff here that may be complete bs so don't be too hard on me :') I have not studied medicine and though I maybe want to study animal medicine later on I don't know anything for now sooo yeah!! Thats also why I made you a herbal healer and not a professional doctor :'))

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You took a few herbs from your your outdoor table and put them in a mortar and added some rose water.

It would have a calming and soothing effect on the wound, the herbs would also promote healing and closing of the wound, but before that you had to desinfect and clean the wound, to say you were scared of this part was an understatement, it would burn and this thing could kill you in a instant.

Luckily for you there was a flower called nocturas that could put an Elefant to sleep just by eating one petal of it, you hoped it would work for this creature too.

Judging by its size and the amount of noctura you had you could put the dragon to sleep for the whole night which is what you preferred since it would be enough time to treat it's wounds and for you to rest.

You took another mortar and put the noctura flower in it along with a little bit of water.

You crushed it with a stone pestle like you had with the ointment from before until it became a paste.

The velvety bluish purple paste of the nocturas became a darker and deeper shade which you then scraped of the pestle into the mortar with a spatula.

You turned back to the dragon, bowl in hand and walked up to it.

Its head lifted up from it's place on the creatures claws where it had been resting, watching you prepare the herbs.

The animal had layed down while you fussed with the flowers and other igridients.

You waved your hand to yourself, indicating for the dragon to come closer.

You swore you saw its eyes look left and right before settling back on you and slowly lowering it's head.

You waited patiently until it had its snout right before you and reached out to touch it.

It flinched, only slightly, barely noticeable, but you did notice.

You gave an encouraging grin to the dragon and said :" Don't be afraid.
I won't hurt you, trust me.
Cause I have been trusting you not to eat me."

You smiled softly before lowering your hand to it's bottom jaw and prying it open slightly.

The dragon complied and opened it's mouth.

You scraped all the purple paste out of its container with a spatula onto the dragons toungue, and then quickly closed the animals mouth.

You saw it grimace, you were sure of it. But you could you blame it? It was probably quite bitter, judging from the smell of it, it coulndt hurt anyone by just being smelled, it may make some sleepy but thats all, you had to eat it to actually be knocked out.

" Now now, don't spit it out. It's very important so you don't feel pain alright?"

You heard the dragon audibly gulp and open its mouth to show the paste was gone.

" Good.. Now any moment you should be-"


The dragons head hit the ground.

You jumped a little, you felt bad that you knocked it out but it was for the best.

Before getting to work you adjusted its head so it lay straight and not bent which could lead to pain in the morning.

You stepped back to your porch and got a few blankets and a bottle of alcohol.

A few steps and you were at its shoulder.

You had to climb up a little but got to the shoulder by supporting yourself on the dragons neck, the arrow was stuck in one of its shoulder blades so you sat on the start of its neck at the top of its spine.

You took a closer look at the arrow and made the helpful observation that this was the biggest arrow you had ever seen.

After a few moments you sighed and put your hands on the arrow.


You pulled the arrow with all your strength and got it out with alot of force and sweat, sending you flying on your back almost down the dragon, luckily you could hold on to it's scales though.

You quickly scramble up again and pressed the towel slung over your shoulder onto the wound to stop the bleeding.

After making sure the bleeding slowed you opened the bottle and let alcohol flood the hollow of the wound.

Then you climbed off the dragon and ran to your hoose on the side of your porch and took it to the dragon.

You used it to wash out the alcohol and put it back in it's place after.

Finally you took the ointment you had prepared from the table along with some bandanges.

You climbed onto the dragon one last time and spread the ointment over its wound, finally bandaging the wound up and sliding off.

You looked back at the sleeping dragon, hoping it had good dreams.

"goodnight then."

And maybe tomorrow you'd find out all of this was just a crazy fever dream and that there wasn't a giant dragon in your backyard.

But was that truly what you wished for?

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~°Hidden beneath your scales°~ ( Dragon Shifter X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now