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After dinner an elf led you to a room in the far south of the castle, it seemed this part was reserved for esteemed guests like visiting royals or important aristocrats.

You hadn't even laid down before you heard a knock at your window.

You sat up abruptly and looked at the door and then the window.

The castle was built on a hill and this side of the castle was directly at a cliff , so the the knocking was coming from the side of the castle above the it, meaning, if you looked down out of the window, you'd see the edge of a hundred meter high cliff.

What. The hell. Was a person doing there.?

Wait, was it even a person? What if it wasn't...?

Slowly you stood up from your bed and stalked closer to the window, trying to stay out of the direct eyesight of it and only aproach it from the side.

When you got closer to the window you heard the mumbling of a familiar voice and a small hiss.

"fuck this is *really* steep.." the voice murmured and you ripped the window open, startling the person so much they lost their grip on the window board and staggered.

"AZ??!!" you cried and saw the sheepish grin on the boys face. He was standing on a max. 10cm edge of the cliff where the castle ended and had one hand in the air, waving it around like a maniac!!

You waved your hands around too but in desperation more than anything as you commanded "get in now you crazy idiot!"

"yes ma'am" the boy compiled with a toothy grin.

After he had climbed in, Az began complaining:

"my father said you had a stressful and tiring day and that I should leave you alone for now and forbade me from going to this part of the castle! Can you believe it??"

"How.. dare he..?" you mumbled, questioningly, asking wordlessly if this is what he wanted to hear.

"Hey now! Don't tell me you didn't miss me!"

"oh yeah, definitely not like we've seen eachother nonstop for the last 48hours at least. Whatever would I do without you glued to my side at all times." you deadpan and make him pout.

Then you sigh and shake your head.
"really, you gotta calm down, we'll see eachother tomorrow won't we? So don't go knocking around on people's windows, next time you may not be so lucky and will accidently knock on the wrong window, or I may change rooms just to mess with you."

Az sighs and let's his head hang in defeat." Alright then. "

He trudged to the window and at your grimace says." it's fine, I'll just fly to my tower this time, should've from the beginning if I'm being honest. ".
Then he climbs on the window board and gives you a little wave as you walk over to him.

" goodnight!"
He says enthusiastically as he climbed down to perch on the 10 cm edge again to take off more easily.

You lean over the window and look down to him grinning up at you.

Overcome by a sudden urge, you stretch your hand out to touch his hair.

Your scratch his scalp one time with your fingertips and let your hand travel along his horn, from bottom to top before retracting your hand entirely.

Before he can say anything you smile and say "goodnight Az" in a soft innocent voice, leaving him blushing and sputtering as you close the window once again.

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The arrival of the next day let's itself be known with a loud fuckin roar.

It rips you out of sleep as it seems like a lions roar in the distance, announcing it's presence and with it, your impending death.

You jump out of bed and look out the window off the cliff, as it seems that's where the sound is coming from.

What you see is a huge creature flying towards the castle. It's red and brooding, like a beacon of doom.

When it gets closer you notice it's a dragon, as big as azakiel, maybe even a bit bigger. At least it wasn't nearly as big as King Zachariel.

It came speeding towards the castle with no apparent plan to reasonably slow down when it came dangerously close to hitting a tower or two.

When it was about to hit the main buildings front door, it suddenly dissappeared in a second and was replaced by a small form of a human.

'another dragon prince .?' you thought as you watched a servant come scrambling from inside the door to invite the boy in with frantic bows.

You decided to take a closer look and hurriedly put some clothes on that the elf of yesterday had left in front of your door and ran down the hall.

After a while you managed to orient yourself and arrived at the main hall and asked a servant if a guest had arrived.

The elf seemed sceptical but nodded and led you to an open courtyard where tables and plants decorated the area.

I'm the middle a dark skinned boy with black hair was talking to a small young blonde boy who didn't look more than 10.

The little boy noticed you first and his big blue eyes blinked at you innocently in curiosity.

The older boy seemed to notice the loss of the younger boys attention and turnes his orange-red eyes to you.

He seemed to look you up and down before he spoke.

"Are you a human?"

Blunt and straight to the point.
But you had no complains so you answered.

"yes. I'm a guest of the prince and the king."

"A guest?" the little boy chirped up the second you finished.

"What kind of guest?? Are you a stolen human!? Have you been kidnapped?? What would a human be doing he-" the boys blabbering was quickly stopped by the handsome older boy covering the youngers mouth with his own hand.

"i apologize for him. He's not usually allowed to leave his castle."

The older one apologized but his face stayed apprehensive. You smiled and asked them:

"then are you two prince's from the other kingdoms? Here for the yearly meeting I presume? "

Both nodded, the little boy fast and energetic, the older slow and curt.

After the little boy started bombarding you with questions and the older one giving up on stopping him, he introduced himself as vulpias prince, Killian, and the little one as glacias young heir, Alathar.

You nodded along but then snorted as you remebered a particular sentence of yesterday's dinner.

"Oh! So *youre* the 'asshole'!" You mused and saw Killian deadpan expression.

" Azakiel has mentioned me it seems."

He sighs.

"What other nonsense did he-"

Before Killian could finish his sentence a loud bang was heard as the door slammed open to show a sweaty, disheveled, panting, flushed Azakiel.

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~°Hidden beneath your scales°~ ( Dragon Shifter X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now