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337 15 5

I don't know shit abt cars yall so have mercy on me alright :'(

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this, cannot be happening.

"Why now??? " you asked out loud.

The dragon turned it's neck to look at you, pressed against it's side by its tail.

You moved out of its grip by climbing over it's tail, it didn't try to stop you, but did slightly look left and right worriedly, searching for the source of the loud sound.

You gave a lopsided grin before reminding yourself of the situation at hand.

"what should I- no, *we* do?? They can't see you! It's way too dangerous.."

The dragon looked at you with what seemed to be understanding and nodded it's head.

You frowned, but not for long, because then the dragon closed it's eyes and something very weird happened.

Slowly, starting from the very top of its nose, the dragons scales seemed to become transparent, alongside it's whole body, it gave the illusion of disintegrating, like when you defeat a boss in a video game.

The transparent scales stretched from it's snout, down it's neck, over its shoulders, spreading from it's wings to it's back and legs, until finally reaching the tip of its tail.

You were scared for a second, thinking something had happened to the creature, anxiety and panic filling you.

".. Az..?"



That's when the place the dragon had stood shifted and you saw the outline of the creature.

The scales on the head of Az also became normal again, stopping halfway down it's neck, making it look like a floating head if one didn't look closely for the rest of it's body.

The dragons head was close enough to the ground so you threw your hands around it's snout, pressing your cheek against it's skin.

The drgaon stiffed for a quick second, before relaxing and leaning into the touch.

"Im so glad youre okay.. I tought you.. You were-.. It would be rude to go without thanks and goodbye!"

You quickly said.

The dragon pressed it's head more into your chest before pulling away and looking up in direction of the porch.

"Right, the mechanic, they shoulndt be able to see you as long as they dont look too closely if they happened to end up in the garden that is, so I need you to stay in that invisible form okay? Only come out when I say it's alright.

The dragon looked down at you and nodded.

You quickly went to the door, already having kept the person waiting for too long.

You opened the door to be greeted by a woman with black hair and strong features. She had an arched nose and a sharp jaw. Muscular and boyish build. Her skin was surprisingly pale, considering how much time she spend in the sun fixing cars, her lips were painted a dark wine red. Her eyes were dark and captivating, the color of coal.

"Hey darling I'll be taking a look at your vehicle today, my names Jade."

The woman spoke in a melodic voice with what seemed like a hint of flirtiness.

You introduced yourself and you two made a little small talk after you invited her in.

"Yeah I think so too, you know the weather was so good the other day and I wanted to drive out of the village to the city nearby to get some stuff but my car suddenly did not start moving. It was very frustrating since it turned on and the motor could start without problems but it just did not move when I pressed the pedals!"

~°Hidden beneath your scales°~ ( Dragon Shifter X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now