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"well shit"

So update, you did, infact, still have a giant dragon in your backyard, well you did until it burst through your back fence and decided it'd stay right there, in the field behind your house.

It was currently trying to get his bandage off by rolling on the ground and running in circles and also making a hell lot of noise.

Screeches filled the air as it ran in circles trying to make sense of the world.

You guessed waking up in a unfamiliar surrounding with an unknown object attached to you would cause some distress but you didn't expect, well whatever this is.

The dragon was running donuts, trippining over every once in a while while panting and sometimes stopping to take some steps backwards and continue running once again.

It was complete Chaos.

You tried to calm it down by making it aware of your presence, like that would do anything, but the only thing it did was almost get you flung out of existence by the dragons tail.

You ran after it trough the forest, under trees, around corners and through bushes.

Leafs were in your hair and twigs were stuck in your clothes.

You ran after the dragon through a mud pile trying to not loose it's trail, you slipped and fell into the dirt, face first.

This pijama was new man..

Nonetheless you coulndt let it hurt itself further, it was already making it's injury worse by dirtying the bandages and opening the wound more by all the running.

You were trying to listen carefully to it's heavy steps and vocal sounds, since you fell back.

You ran trough some clearings, passing by some grasing deers that didn't seem alarmed by your sprint in the slightest. Only continuing to munch their grass after lifting their head to look at you run around in dirty pajamas, if you didn't know any better ,you'd say they looked smug.

Leaves and twigs crunched beneath your feet, they stung from all the stomping on stone and everything else that lies on the forest floor.

You already knew you'd have to treat them when you got home, youd be limping from twisting your foot when taking a sharp turn.

When the dragon finally stopped it was at a cliff, not high enough to die from falling off, especially for a animal of its size, but if you fell off you'd probably be paralyzed for the rest of your life.

You put your hands on your knees, taking a minute to catch your breath.

And then suddenly the dragon made some steps backwards as if preparing to leap, it also moved both it's wings.

No! If it flew now, it's wounds would worsen to the point that you coulndt fix them!


The dragon frooze, it's head turned to you and its wings lowered themselves to a resting position once again.

Out of relief, you let yourself fall on your butt and just sat there, looking at the dragon before you, contemplating your life descicions, asking yourself how you got here in the first place.

You let out a sigh trough heaving.

Slowly, oh so slowly, it sat back into a 'normal' position, as if the whole scene that just unfolded before you had never happened.

You raised an eyebrow, the dragon looked to the side.

"okay alright,"

You started.

~°Hidden beneath your scales°~ ( Dragon Shifter X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now