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You were now back in Azs room, which you found out was in the highest tower of the castle, to be more exact it was practically half of the whole tower, he inhabited multiple floors at the same time, each one a different purpose.

A magically activated platform took you through all platforms without needing to use the stairs.

Az explained he usually flew to the balcony at the top floor where his bedroom was so he only used the platform to get to the floors underneath and not to climb the whole tower starting at the floor.

Now though, you took the 'elevator' as you, human, called it, up to the living quarters of the dragon.

Az found the word weird and when you explained some people call it 'lift' he said that made more sense at least, so you only chuckled at that.

After a few seconds of only seeing grey walls and stairs you finally got to the first floor that belonged to Az.

The platform passed trough holes that were at the center of every floor, like the ones a firefighter pole goes through in every floor.

Though it seemed the hole was usually covered by some magical floor that closed the opening when the platform wasn't being used, preventing anyone from falling through it.

The first floor seemed to be a sort of bathroom with a massive shower and 2 pools, one bubbled and steamed and the other was large and seemed serene and calm.

A big bathtub also stood at a grand window that overlooked the fields that you had visited before.

A mirrow that covered most of the east side of the wall was also hung over a stone table with a golden sink in it.

The whole room was in white and golden, classic color scheme of the whole castle you noticed, and a few navy blue accents.

A stall was located at the edge of the room, probably the actual toilet.

Then you were already on the next floor.

A kitchen..?

A big stone table was located in the room with multiple shelves of herbs and spices behind it, aswell as a counter and oven accompanied by a fridge, at least you think it was that?

On the east there was a small circle of black couches surrounding a stone fireplace on the wall with a wooden table in the middle of the furniture.

Beside that area there was a kind of grill with a glass closet of bottles of what seemed to be wine and other liquors.

Did Az drink?? You looked at the boy next to you dumbfounded, he looked completely innocent and proper!
You turned away quickly before he saw you staring.

When you looked back you were already in another inviroment.

This floor seemed more filled out than the others, probably because it was filled head to toe with books! There were walls and shelves full of books.

Sofas and hammocks were everywhere and some were even located in platforms above the ground floor.

The room gave off such a cozy athmoswhere.

The colorsqueme of this room was more brown then white even if it had golden details.

It was also covered in deep green plants in pots and hanging from the ceiling.

The diffrent platforms were small and had no seeming stairs or ladders, though you saw one on one of the shelves, though it seemed attached there to get to the higher books easier.

The platforms were placed in different heights around all walls of the tower, decorated by sofas and armchairs .

There was a floating bed about 2m high, it looked like a nest or basket, round and with high walls so you don't fall out  ,seemingly out of straw. The interior was stuffed with blankets and pillows, you wanted to lay down in there and hibernate.

You saw a tray with tea cups and an empty plate on the floating bed , seeming to have been recently used and not cleaned up yet, before your vision got cut off by finally reaching the bedroom.

It was like you remembered but now you noticed the balcony leading outside the tower.

Az stopped the platform here and got off.

It bounced, shaking a little from the loss of his weight, creating momentary inbalance.

You swayed a little, surprised by the woobliness but was quickly caught by Azs hand catching yours.

You met his eyes and you stayed like that for a moment, staring eachother openly before he coughed, realizing his actions and breaking the silence.

You used his hand as support to get off the platform. It soon stabilized and seemed to melt into the floor.

"W-well we need to get you ready for the dinner with my- I mean the king.
He surprised me by inviting you to dine with us though I must say you surprised me more with your accepting of the invitation."

Az looked at you disapprovingly.

"Don't complain to me if he asks weird questions or is overbearing.
I tried to get you out of it but you couldn't accept it. So now youll have to accept the consequences."

He huffed and looked like a kid stomping his foot after not getting candy.

You chucked at the image and Az only frowned.

" Laugh all you'd like but we gotta get you into more formal clothes, you can choose between masculine and feminine clothing. You can wear my clothes or I think I still have a few dresses from when the tailor made me a dress to gift to- well anyway come on."

He went to a small closet and suddenly stepped in it as if it were a door.

The closet looked to be small and cramped with no clothes hanging in it, but he stuck his head in and then went trough with his whole body as if that was completely normal.

It looked like a scene straight from Narnia if you were being honest, he came back a few seconds later with a moss green dress with golden accents and a shirt with the same theme, along with brown pants with the same gold accents.

"here. You can choose whichever. "

He pushed the clothes into your hands and only smirked at your confused expression.

"What? You think I WOULDN'T have a magic closet?"

He laughed after that and you only pouted after turning from him.

"I'll call for a maid to help you get ready and will wait for you in the library downstairs."

He said before turning and taking the platform down once again.

'what is even going on right now..'

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