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You spend the rest of the evening talking with Az.

You talked about everything that had happened that day, and he talked more about his world. He explained that eclipsia existed alongside the mortal realm and was like a pocket you could slip into from different portals located around the world, there was one in Paris, Berlin, New York, etc. Pretty much at least one for every country.

It seemed you needed a special item to get to the other realm and only the royal families of eclipsia could grant it, so most being of eclipsia went their entire lives without setting food in the mortal realms.

But sometimes the creatures from the immortal realm slipped into the mortal realm on accident or by some kind of rift opening and lived and reproduced there.

Tough the royal families were aware of this, they let the creatures stay there as long as they don't cause trouble.

The only ones who could open portals to the mortal and immortal realm at will from anywhere to anywhere were the rulers of each kingdom of eclipsia, not even Az, as an heir and prince to the throne could do so, he would only receive the power to do so when his father gave him the crown.

While talking, you and Az started lazily walking in direction of the castle in the distance.

He reassured you that you were only in other clothes because the silk fairy servants had changed your clothing with a spell, nobody had seen anything or touched anything but the clothes you had been wearing were wet from the rain that had been pouring down in solaria when you had arrived trough the portal, so you would have caught a cold if you had kept them on.

He also explained that he had teleported here since it was faster than walking and that he technically could teleport you both back but it would be very straining since he usually only teleproted once a day, it was very taxing on his body to teleport general, especially when he had to take another person with him.

You were understanding and told him that walking was also nice and you still had questions anyway.

You asked about the big claw coming from the sky and who it belonged to.

At that, Az scratched his neck sheepishly and looked away, clearly embarrassed.

"That was.. My dad.."

He turned his head to you once again but avoided your gaze.

"He had just found out I had been missing for a few days after having come back from a trip to windis to talk about- well whatever, anyway he was furious and immediately began searching, he used a powerful spell to locate me and opened a portal to the coordinates which turned out to be your house. "

He explained with a huff.

Then he met your gaze guiltily.

" But there was a little misunderstanding.. My father thought you were the one who had hurt me, which is why he took you to the immortal realm in the first place.
Truth is I had ignored orders and had sneaked to the mortal realm a couple days prior just to take a look, but without proper preparations and safety measures, I was discovered by a human.

It was some crazy guy that apparently hunted exotic animals and he jsut thought I was a really big lizard at first.

Anyway he finally got me after a few days of silently following me he caught me unguarded and shot me with that arrow.

It was poisened, but I didn't know that at the time so I just flew away quickly, the adrenaline kept me from noticing anything was a wrong for a long time before I felt myself falling to the ground into a forest, the place where you found me. "

When Azakiel had finished explaining you noticed that you had followed him trough multiple doors through the castle.

The castle was decorated with white and gold, befitting of a castle of the land of the sun.

You were now walking trough a long corridor with alot of doors on either side of the walls.

"We took the back entrance so we're now passing trough the servants quarters which are empty this time of day.
Theyre busy with preparing dinner so no one will bother us here-"

Az was cut off by a loud "BOOM" coming from the door at the end of the hallway which you had been almost at a few seconds before.

You jumped back a little and Az took a rigid posture, he bared his teeth and you saw his fangs alongate.

You were sure his other dragon like features would appear if he felt more threatened.

Your vision cleared and you saw a tall man standing on the doors threshold.


Az exclaimed suddenly, shock and confusion evident in his voice.

Wait, what that must be..!

"King Zachariel." you bowed your head awkwardly, not knowing how to do any of this properly.

"Please, there is no need child, you saved my naive son out of his own foolish situation.

Azakiel told me about you and I presume he has talked about me to you as well so introductions are unnecessary.

I'd like to officially thank you in the name of all ecplipsia for saving the future ruler of solaria, I will forever be grateful to your service and will be in your debt.

I hope you can join us for dinner today, it'd be an honor to have you at the table with us. "

The king of solaria inclined his head in thanks when speaking about Az's rescue and you would have never thought that simply helping an animal you found in the forest, could
have such a big impact on your life.

You saw Az's ears get red and he said with a flustered voice.

" 'My savior' is very tired from the long day we have had so I think it'd be best if we ate the food in my room for tod-"

"Id love to."

You cut off Az mid sentence who in response only slowly, oh so slowly, turned his head to you and gave you a smile that didnt quite reach his eyes.

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