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Azakiel looked like he had just run a marathon when he entered the room.

All eyes immediately fixed on him and his un-princely manner.

You saw a particularly old looking elf with a butler uniform pinching his nose as if sensing a headache coming on.

You understood the sentiment completely .

Azakiels eyes immediately found you and alternated between you and the two guests present .

He seemed do be trying to figure out who he should be attacking at the moment and you sighed .

"Hello Az, I've come to greet the guests who just arrived ,have you come to do the same ?" your voice was clipped as you saw him pout at your words .

He had walked up to you slowly and was mumbling under his breath "why would you meet with someone like him willingly .. " while looking at you from the corner of his eye ,turning to stand beside you in front of the other dragons .

He was currently in his half dragon form ,horns and tail sticking out, probably because of his emotional turmoil. You saw his tail whip the air behind him u consciously like an angry cat.

You noticed how he visibly tried to compose himself into a "princely" manner but one look up and down from Killian had him unconsciously grimacing.

His clothes were all crumpled and he looked like he had just jumped out of bed and come here immediately, which ,fair ,he probably did. But the point still stood that he looked the most unpresentable of them all . Including you, and you had never had an etiquette class in your life, but you guessed reading all those historical and fantasy books counted for something, right?

He quickly took your hand at once and dragged you with him through the doors without another word. From the looks of it he was going to his tower .

If you had been in this situation a few days ago you'd probably been less willing to just let yourself be dragged around by a strange man in an unfamiliar place but those days seemed an eternity ago considering your current predicament .

In a flash you seemed to be in the tower once again in the floor with the unending closet. You didn't even ask his intentions as Az went into his very own barbie closet to find an outfit, you presumed he was planning on dressing you both to seem more professional .

'My guy I'm sorry to disappoint but that ship has already sailed ' You thought to yourself and sighed as Az came out with some clothes in white and gold.

Guessing by Killians red and black clothes and Atlas's blue and white garments, they were supposed to represent their kingdoms with their outfit colors.

While Az organized the clothes, deciding which one you two would wear, he explained this meeting a little more after seeing your questioning gaze.

He said this meeting took place once a year and was supposed to be a way to bring the future leaders of the kingdoms closer and make them have a relationship since young years since they don't usually meet outside of this meeting.

Of course the actual kingdom rulers communicate multiple times a year and often but they usually do it through communicative devices, whatever that meant since you were pretty sure they didn't use phones ..

Apparently kingdom rulers only met for special occasions like mating reunions, kinda like weddings, or farewell rituals, like funerals.

Az explained that the meetings weren't even that serious and they pretty much just had to meet up once a day for a couple hours and otherwise just spent their day in the castle or near it.

Of course the heirs could visit eachother besides that but they usually didn't .

Though you had a feeling glacias and vulpis heirs knew eachother well and met up often, which was strange since their kingdoms weren't neighboring and were the kingdoms farthest from eachother.

After that whole lesson Az had finally decided on your outfits, consulting you quickly if the style he choose was okay and called some cute pixies over. You guessed these were the helpers that assisted you when you first got to solaria and changed your clothes.

The pixies all flew around both of you and in a second the clothes on the bed were on your body and your clothes from before were on the bed.

Then the pixies guided you to a table with a mirrow in front of it. You sat down and the little helpers got to work on your hair and makeup.

You looked over at Az who was getting the same treatment, the pixies had cast some sort of spell on his face that made it clean and then another which made his skin practically glow.

You wished you had that skin care routine during your middle school years because goddammit...

The pixies also fussed with his hair, brushing it and styling it with different products.

You looked back at yourself and saw you had undergone the same procedures without even noticing.

After a while the pixies finshished you both off with jewels that looked like the cost more than your whole family fortune.

When you looked over at Az you saw he was staring at you with an awed expression. He was looking at you as if you had hung the stars from the sky.

You cleared your throat and saw him visibly jump before he stood up quickly and streched his hand out and looked away from you.

You chuckled to yourself and took his hand, feeling it tremble under your touch.

Together you headed down the stairs and you noted that Az kept his half dragon form the whole time.

You had reached the door and it was opening for you two when you realized something. Your heart stuttered as you felt your stomach drop and your throat close up.

You and Az were practically in matching outfits, which wasn't appropriate for guest, a guest would wear something simpler and humble than this. You hadn't questioned Az at the time since you thought he knew better what clothes to pick out. But now that you looked at yourself in the mirror on the right that hung along the wall, you saw you both looked like a pair. A couple. Like ...

Mating prospects.

And Zachariel had said Az already had a prospect, a *princess* at that.


But it was too late, the doors had opened and all eyes fixed on you, more that there were before, including the ones of one Nala ...

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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