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It seemed that in the blink of an eye, the warm, cozy tempeture of the room you were in, turned into a fresh breeze that surrounded you in Az's arms, even trough the blanket you felt the cool air of the night.

A few steps later you felt the boy carrying you stop. He set you down and your blanket fell to the ground.

You went to pick it up but Az was already on it, your hand brushed his arm and you looked up at him, he did the same and you made eye contact again.

He looked away first, clearly embarrassed, and took the covers from the floor, he shook them out a few times, there wasn't any dirt on the blanket but he seemed displeased to give it to you again since it had fallen on the ground.

While this occurred you took a moment to look around  and noticed the blanket hadn't gotten dirty with mud or earth because you were in a field of grass, small flowers and plants you've never heard of or seen before. They coated the greenery, all colors of the rainbow and more were mixed into the fields like an abstract painting.

The castle was only visible in the distance and you felt confused, it really DID feel like only a second had passed since you had been in the dragons quarters, so how did you get here so fast?

Your thoughts were cut short as Az turned to you and slung the blanket over your  shoulders, and spread it over your back.
He then gently brought the corners  over your shoulders where he folded the edges over each other.

His hands lingered, his gaze creeping up your neck before shooting down to the blankets ends again.

As if deciding he was done with this embarrassing situation he pulled back and turned around quickly.

He held his head down for a few moments before lifting his gaze to the fields in front of him. He stared off into the distance, the field of flowers stretching on and on in front of his eyes .

He gave a small sigh before letting himself plop down onto the grass.

You looked down, following his actions with your eyes, only to see the boy sitting on the grass, legs outstretched, supporting his weight on his hands propped up behind himself, head tilted up and eyes closed.

You decided to join him and enjoy the beautiful night.

You lowered yourself beside the shifter, your legs almost brushing and your hands touching if you lowered them onto the grass.

You avoided this by resting one of your hands on your lap,  the other, opposite of the side Az was on, supporting your weight.

You didnt know if it was the night atmosphere or the fact nothing could suprise you after the past few hours you had, but you felt compelled to start a conversation.

And so you did, you said the first thing that came to mind and blurted out:

"D..does it hurt when you.. Shift?"

The boy opened his eyes at the sound of your voice, he had already smiled at hearing the rustle of clothes and grass when you had sat down beside him.

His face turned to you and he answered :" No, not really, I only feel my body changing form, like shifting your weight to your other foot. That's how natural and normal it feels, the only distress shifting ever causes is the emotional one the first few changes. It can be overwhelming to be in a new body you do not know, but that passes."

You nodded understandingly." That does make sense, but what about your clothes? What happens to them when you shift? "

" Well, about that.. " the boy scratched his head.

Now he turned to you with his whole body, committing fully to the conversation. You noticed his graceful movements, like a feline, no unnecessary movements were made, even tough no thinking or concentrating was done.

Az was wearing a white shirt with a V-collar that was embroidered and ruffled like a curtain, string poked out from either side of his neck.

For pants he wore a brown pair, not loose but also not too tight. Two rows of golden buttons, also two in every row, gave the pants a more sophisticated look.

Even if the shirt was quite loose and did a good job at hiding the wearers body when still, it did little when Az moved, you could tell he was lean but well build. You had felt muscle when he had held you in his arms and you knew he was probably strong all over.

" They kind of, rip to shreds..while our body is magic itself and can accomplish this change, clothing can not do so, so if you don't change out of your clothes before shifting, you'll not have those anymore.

In any case , we're kind of naked when we shift back out of our dragon Form, our clothing doesn't shrink and grow with us. Nudity is a very common thing amongst shifters and completely normal and acceptable. The only reason we wear clothes is for asthetic reasons and if you have a higher rank, to show that off. Which is the only reason it's considered inproper to not wear clothes during social activities with others as a noble, you should show your rank at all times, also it's just more comfortable."

Az finished with a smile on his lips.

You felt heat rush into your cheeks at the though of Az walking around naked, him and probably alot more people here in this world.

" But before we *fully* shift, we usually just take of our clothes and put them aside and it's not weird or anything. So if you happen to stumble upon folded clothes somewhere, leave them there, it's probably just a shifter somewhere, that's also why staff don't remove the clothes form their spot. " he smiles, probably trying to reassure you in some way.

"*fully* shift? Is there a thing as not fully shift? How would that-"

A cool wind passed over you two, interrupting you and making you shiver.

You looked over to Az and your eyes widened, horns were on his head! Otherwise he still looked the same but horns were poking out of his hair, just like the dragons ones! Though these matched the boys human form more size wise.

Suddenly you felt something touch your back and side that pushed you to to Az.

You whipped your head around and saw a giant wing covering your side and surrounding your upper body. 

It took a little while to relax, especially with the constant swishing of a scally grey tail, swaying behind you. But when you did let your shoulders drop and the wing fully cover you, you heard Azs tail thumping excitedly against the grass. 

You giggled and pulled your knees up to your chest, enjoying the wing partially serving as a thermo blanket, keeping the cold out and warmth in.

You smiled up at Az, not realizing you two were pressed up against eachother, you practically resting your head on his shoulder.

His face was turned away to the other direction but you saw his red ears.

"But hey.. Have you not noticed how beautiful the moon is tonight?"

You stiffened as you remembering seeing something about confessing your love by saying the moon looked beautiful but quickly dismissed the idea since that was a human thing.

You just wanted to look up before feeling yourself loose balance when the support beside you suddenly disappeared by falling backwards.

Before you could properly react, you also fell down on your back, or rather on someone else.

You now laid in the grass, half on Az, using his arm and shoulder as a pillow for your head.

You wanted to jump right back up when you noticided the moon or more like moons in the sky.

There were 2 moons in the sky above, both blue and ethereal, one of them was bigger, the other like a little child. Countless stars filled the sky and you were entranced.

So thats what he meant...

You felt Azs gaze, and could pinpoint the exact moment he realized he was staring openly. 

He cleared his throat and lifted his hand to point at one of the many constellations floating above you.

"that one is called the phoenix, and that one -..."
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~°Hidden beneath your scales°~ ( Dragon Shifter X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now