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"what is the human talking about?"


"well no need to use curse words now.. And what are they even on about?"


"wait are they.. Are you talking to me?"

The dragon tilted it's head, looking hesitant and confused.


Okay, maybe that was alot of screaming but there was a giant lizard putting words into your head.

"OH.MY.DRAGON. YOU CAN HEAR ME???! FINALLY THANK THE FIRSTS!! Youre finally understanding me! I've been trying to talk to you since you found me! Really it took me so long to connect to your mind!"

The dragon wagged it's tail from side to side and it's forelegs did some stomps on the ground, shifting it's weight from one leg to the other like a little happy dance.

You'd have remarked how cute it was if it wasn't for the situation at hand.

" Connect to my mind??! ARE YOU GOING TO CONTROL ME NOW?!"

You panicked, taking a few steps away from the dragon.
Its head, on the other hand, followed you and looked concerned.

"don't be afraid! I won't do anything of the sorts! I'm only trying to thank you for your help with my injuries. How can I ever repay you? You saved my life!"

The dragon rested it's head on the grass, trying to make itself look smaller than it was, in an attempt not to alarm you.

"I-.. It was no proplem. What kind of healer would I be if I turned my back on a creature in need of medical assistance? Even if that creature is.. A giant dragon that could bite my head off.."

"I wouldn't do that, I promise!!"

The dragon made a low whine, as if hurt again, but this time not physically.

"W-well I guess.. If you wanted to, you'd have done that already.. So I'll trust you for now.."

You walked back to the dragons body.

Leaning on its shoulder and letting yourself slip down it's side to sit on the grass.
Before you reached the ground though, the dragons tail was beneath you, like a cushion.

You had already sat and the dragon had already positioned it's head beside you. It looked at you expectantly, so you began talking.

"Well I guess since we can talk properly now, we can have a real conversation. I'll tell you a bit about myself, and then you tell me more about you. Deal?"

The dragon blinked slowly, inclining it's head slightly against the ground.

'thats a yes i think'

" Wellllll.... "

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You spent the rest of your noon talking to Az, you explained everything about yourself and your job to him, stopping sometimes to explain what a word meant and what a horse or cat was. It seemed he did not live anywhere near and you tried to speed up your turn of explaining so you could have your questions answered.

"So thats enough about meee, now tell me about you and where you came from? It doesn't seem you're from anywhere around here, how have dragons survived without being discovered by humans all this time?"

"Well, truth is, I'm not supposed to tell you any of this, but since you saved the life of a dragon prince, i think that qualifies you to know about eclipsia so-"


"yeah well get to that but first, eclipsia, the immortal realm, also known as the ethereal lands. Also no, most of the creatures that live there are not immortal, actually its almost impossible to find one that is, but it's harder to kill them and since the human World is called 'the mortal realm' it just sounds better. ANYWAY eclipsia is divided in a few kingdoms, my father is:

Zachariel, King of solaria, Land of the sun, it's in the central lands of ecplipsia,  in the south part, the north part is lunaria, land of the moon. Governed by queen Nora.

Then to the far, north we have the land of ice and water Glacia, to the east the land of earth and stone crania, in the south the land of fire and lava vulpis, which is kind of useless since solaria has that too, and of course in the west the lands of sky and wind windis.

In eclipsia there are all kinds of magical creatures but all of the kingdoms are ruled by dragons or some kind of hybrid of dragons, why you may ask? Well that's because the first were dragons so dragons are naturally the most powerful. Who are the first? I'm glad you asked, the first are the beings that created ecl-"

Even though you hadn't said anything since he began talking, you wanted to absorb as much information as you could, this was cut short though by a loud screech coming from the skies above.

The sky became stormy and suddenly thunder began to shake the earth, lighting rained down on the ground and winds blowed furiously across the land.

You looked up at everything and saw a hole in the sky, it seemed like a tunnel was inside, all colors mismatched in a mix, spiraling to infinity. The hole suddenly grew in size, taking up the whole sky above you, you were sure the hole was as big as the whole village. You concentrated more into looking inside the hole and saw a white dot.

You focuses more and realized the dot was getting bigger and bigger. It was from one second to the next that you saw that dot transform into a gigantic white dragon that was flying out of the hole that you now realized was a portal, straight towards you and Az.

Your breathing picked up and you only thought about yours and Azs safety. You turned without thinking and hugged the dragons neck.

You had no time to note his reaction when suddenly you felt a claw close around your body.

You opened your eyes, only to see Az's panicked face and his body also being grabbed by a claw, you two were separated from one another and before you could make a sound, you were 50 meters in the air, floating over your garden.




You looked up just quick enough to see the top half of the white dragon holding you hostage dissappear into the portal.

The portal now got closer and closer to you, you knew you would be sucked in by it!

Your eyes were wide with shock and horror.

And then... Darkness .

You passed out.

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~°Hidden beneath your scales°~ ( Dragon Shifter X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now