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"can't-.. hurt-... saved me-.. I.. No! -.. Please? -.."

Voices floated to your ears, not fully registering in your brain, as the heavy weight of unconsciousness laid on you.

It felt like you were in deep water, surrounded by darkness, the only light coming from the surface above, where the voices came from.

You tried to reach up to the surface, but tiredness and stress pressed against you, keeping you under it's spell of sleep.

'But I have to get up.. I need to get to.. Who?.. Who do I need to get to again..?'

Your memory was fuzzy and your brain was screaming at you to rest, but you still resisted the urge.

What if it was something important? What if someones life was at ri-



You jumped up from your bed with an abrubt shout.

You held your head as it buzzed and waves of pain hit your temples.

'got up too fast again.. I should really start taking those iron deficiency pills ..'

You looked around to assess your situation, only to realize you weren't in your room. This was a completely unfamiliar room. White and gold painted the room with professional looking paintings and statues being spread all over the room. You looked up at the ceiling, fabric hang from all the walls of the room to the ceiling, connecting to a circular steel ring, like the room was covered by a big bed canopy.

The steel ring connected to the ceiling that had a gigantic window in a sun form. It was a glass painting in warm tones, mostly yellow and gold with some orange on the details.

The steel ring surrounded the sun perfectly, so not to hide any of the beautiful artwork. Even though the window was made to give the room the most sunlight possible, right under the sky, it wasn't the only window.

The room had windows on every wall, which led you to believe you were in a tower like rapunzel, more unease creeped up your neck.

All the windows were littered with gold carvings, it seemed there wasn't one centimeter of space in the room that wasn't accessorized and decorated to the max.

You looked farther into the room and saw that it streched into more rooms than you could see from your position.

You saw rows on rows of books in the back of the room. 

Plants hung from the ceiling and down the windows, roots embraced diffrent pillars and table legs around the room.

You believed that in pinterest people would discribe this room as a mixture of 'royalcore' and 'goblincore'

You saw books and pens scattered over the massive desk that streched along the right wall, that consisted of multiple elongated windows covered in carvings in gold, pressed up against eachother, forming one big window that covered most of the wall. Letters and documents laid in between the mess of paper on the wooden structure.

The bed you laid on was king-sized and it had its own canopy surrounding it,though right now the fabric was tied to the four pillars on either sides of the bed, creating a triangle shape on all opening between the posts.

The fabric was diffrent from the one on the ceiling though, while the one hanging from the ceiling looked like a thick yellow/brown fabric with golden embroidery, the one of the canopy was a flowy, simple, white fabric that was see trough.

~°Hidden beneath your scales°~ ( Dragon Shifter X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now