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You jumped back, surprised.

Your back hit the grass and you scrambled away from the animal.

It was still laying there, not moving anything but its eyes, that were following your movements.

It did not instantly attack you! That's good right?? Right??? Or maybe it's only because it was hurt, but you didn't hear a growl either, maybe this could work.

You took one step into the beasts direction, it's eyes still on you.

You took a few more steps before they're were only 2 meters or so separating you and the creatures  mouth.

You looked at its eyes.

They were alert, but not hostile.

It was probably very scared, it was quite hurt after all.

You stepped one foot closer and crouched down.

You were in touching distance an on the same eye level.

"Im... Not.. Going to hurt you.." you got out.

"so please.. Come with me.?"

You got back up and took a step backwards.

The dragon stayed laying.

One more step.

It lifted his head.

It was long and shiny, black if not for the golden on his necks underside, accompanied by a pair of horns, 8 in total, 4 on each side.

You took one more, your knees wobbly.

The dragon hieved itself up, first getting its upper body upright on its forelegs and then its rest with one pull.

You stopped your knees from bucking but it was hard.

Very hard, as it.. Stared at you.

Its neck bending like a swans to look down on you.

It was massive, so so tall and your neck strained to look up that high.

It looked at you for a long time, before it looked at the forest, precisely the direction where you came from, then at you once again.

Was it telling you to go? Would it follow?

You did not know.

And you didn't want to turn your back on this creature, but you felt compelled to trust it.

So you did, you turned around and began walking to the bushes again.

First there was only silence, and the gras and leaves crunching beneath your shoes.

But then a loud thump, and another, and another.

And more followed it.

It.. Was following.

You didn't know if you felt relieved about that.

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You decided to wait until the sun set before bringing the.. Dragon into your village.

As crazy as that sounded.

It was a little while before the sun was dissaperaing behind the mountains, and the valley your village was located in was engulfed in the moonlight.

But you had quite alot to do in those hours .

You had to get in the village alone before the dragon could, you had to get home and search for a place for it and prepare everything. You had a slight.. Worry?, that the dragon would just go away while you did but when you returned a few hours later to the treeline it was still there, now resting it's massive head on its claws but still there.

Before going to your house, you had made a stop motion with your hands and pointed at the ground to indicate the creature to stay where it was and surprisingly,.. it had listened.

While you were at your house and passed the hours till sun down, you had layed out your tools and herbs along with towels and bandages.

Then you went to your garden, it was quite big and could fit the dragon but how would he get in?

Then you remembered when you first moved in you had discovered a gate at the back of your fence.

The village had a fence sorounding all of the houses, but some houses already had fences around the backside and to save building materials the village decided to not build an extra fence around the houses at the edge of the village and just build them for the people who didn't have a back fence.

And since your house had a fence from the beginning, it wasn't made out of one big plastic material but out of wood and had a backdoor.

It was overgrown with plants but with a little effort you were sure you could get it open.

And so you got to work.

With a weed cuter and a piece of flat metal you had lying around because it was left from your ikea cupboard which you had to built together yourself, you started to break the fence free.

After what felt like an eternity you managed to get the gate open.

After checking everything over again you headed out the fence and searched for the dragon once again, which brought you to your current situation.

You stoop before the dragon, it's eyes already on you and head raised.

It looked behind you for a second and then back at you before standing up.

Its head made a darting motion to the village.

'lead the way' you guessed.

The similarities to a human were uncanny, but you tried not to think too hard on it.

You started to walk toward your house, hearing the heavy steps of the dragon behind you.

You walked along the fence of the village, being extra careful when passing by the houses with a seetrough fence like the plastic one, luckily all of the residents were either inside their houses enjoying dinner with their families or drinking their worries away at a bar.

Finally, you got to your fence and  pushed your gate open.

After having both sides of the double door fence wide open you motioned to the dragon to follow you in.

So it did looking back at the rest of its body while it was still passing trough the gate, careful not to hit anything with it's tail.

It did a u-turn looking at you once again after being completely in your garden.

You closed the doors and looked back at it aswell.

You locked eyes.

"what am I going to do with you.."

You said out loud and the dragon tilted it's head.

You looked back at the ground and crossed the area to your porch where your things lie.

"Okay. Let's do this."

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~°Hidden beneath your scales°~ ( Dragon Shifter X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now