Chapter 1

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Monday, 1st September 1976


I could hardly contain my excitement as I rushed through the busy platform. I stared fondly at the Hogwarts Express for a minute, remembering all the happy times I'd had there, and then proceeded to board the train. This was my sixth year at Hogwarts and I intended it to be a quiet one. Little did I know it was going to be anything but that.

In my first year of Hogwarts I was sorted Gryffindor and that is where I met my best friends Lily and Marlene. Lily Evans was the sweetest girl on the planet, until you get on her bad side. She has a raging temper almost as fiery as her hair. She was blessed with gorgeous, long red-hair that went down to her waist, she hated how her hair made her stand out but I always thought it was beautiful. Her emerald green eyes completed her look, she was the walking definition of natural beauty.

Marlene McKinnon, my other best friend, had bright blonde hair that went just past her shoulders and stunning blue eyes that were always decorated with heavy eyeliner. She radiated confidence wherever she went and I always wished I could be like that. Marlene was loved throughout Hogwarts, yet she never hung out with anyone except Lily and I. That's what I loved the most about her, her fierce loyalty.


Our trio was formed in second year when Lily and I helped Marlene who was running away from McGonagall for hexing a 3rd year Slytherin that had called her a mudblood. We saw the whirlwind of chaos that was thirteen year old Marlene sprinting down one of the aisles in the library and then hiding behind the nearest shelf. A few seconds later McGonagall appeared.

"Evans, Parker, where is McKinnon!?" She barked, a snivelling little Slytherin boy beside her, his tongue was three times two big and hanging out of his mouth. I had to contain myself not the laugh at the drooling boy.

I slowly looked at where Marlene was hiding to see her shaking her head at me vigorously, her pale-blue eyes wide in panic.

"She went that way Professor." I had said pointing in the opposite direction to where she was hiding. McGonagall then quickly strode away with a frown on her face, the boy following closely behind.

"You saved me there, I owe you one." Said Marlene sighing in relief and walking over to us.

"You shouldn't have done that Sophia, you could get in trouble," whispered a worried Lily with a grumpy frown on her face.

"It's fine Lily, don't worry about me." I comforted.

"Why did you do it anyways?" Questioned the blonde, raising an eyebrow, suspiciously.

"I don't know, you looked desperate I guess." I shrugged.

I knew why I had done it, Marlene was very popular in school, she was fun, courageous, wild, your stereotypical Gryffindor. Although everyone loved her, she always kept to herself and no one knew why. I had always wanted to be friends with her.

"Hm, fair enough." said Marlene reaching out a hand "I'm Marlene McKinnon."

"I'm Sophia Parker and this is Lily Evans." I said shaking her hand.

"I think I'm gonna stick with you guys." She said beaming.


And that's how it all started.

I arrived at the compartment to see Lily waiting for me, her nose stuck in a book, she looked like she was straight out of a fairytale. You see, I cannot describe Lily Evans as anything but beautiful, inside and out. She was the kindest soul you could ever meet.

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