Chapter 12

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Tuesday, 30th September


I had just finished all my lessons and was especially exhausted after double History of Magic with the Slytherins. I was walking through the courtyard to the library to spend the rest of my afternoon quietly reading when I heard a "Boo!" in my ear.

It was Black, of course it was. I was about to turn around and insult the shit out of him when I remembered our friendly agreement.

"Hello." I greeted in a monotone voice and plastering the best fake smile I could on to my face, trying my hardest to be nice.

"Hey, Parker." He replied, enthusiastically.

His hair was up today, in a man bun. I usually hate man buns but somehow Black pulled it off. As much as I hate to admit it, Black could walk around in a cardboard box and he would still have girls on their knees for him. Having his raven hair pulled back showed off his sharp features, making his stormy grey eyes much more visible without stray hairs falling into them. It was strange, he looked different yet very much the same.

I noticed his top three buttons were undone on his shirt, revealing part of a tattoo and I couldn't quite figure out what it was of.

"Where's the other three?" I asked curiously, trying not to stare too much.

"Ditched me and went to the library." He shrugged.

"Why didn't you just go with them?" I questioned, shivering slightly at the chilly breeze. It was finally feeling like Autumn. Luckily, I'd prepared myself for the harsh weather with my collection of grandad sweaters.

"I'm banned for the rest of the term." He folded his arms casually and leaned against the courtyard wall.


"You don't wanna know." He winked, suggestively and I grimaced slightly, agreeing with the fact that I definitely didn't want to know.

"How was your date?" I attempted to make friendly small talk.

"Who? Lexa? I can't get away from that girl. She's fucking crazy. She's completely obsessed with me and unfortunately I don't reciprocate those feelings," He said, peering over at Lexi, to make sure she was out of earshot.

She was stood on the other side of the courtyard, glaring our way and gossiping with her clique of Hufflepuff girls. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under.

"Really? You two seemed very cosy on Sunday." I tried my best to keep my tone neutral, not understanding while this topic made me uncomfortable.

"What? Cosy like you and Remus?" He raised an eyebrow at me, teasingly.

I tilted my head slightly in confusion and placed a hand on my hip.

"What on Earth are you talking about, Black?"

"Oh come on, Parker. The leaning on his shoulder in The Three Broomsticks. "Hey Remus, don't take my butter beer, take my virginity instead."." He said in a squeaky, high pitched voice while batting his eyelashes, imitating me.

"Okay, number 1, Remus is my best friend, nothing more. Number 2, I don't sound like that. Number 3, how would you know if I was a virgin or not?" I said, holding up fingers for each of my points.

I couldn't help but wonder why Black was paying so much attention to Remus and I.

He rolled his eyes at me, " Yeah, "best friends", my ass."

"Careful, Black," I smirked, playfully, "People might start to think you sound jealous."

I'm not sure why I said that or where all that confidence came from.

Obsession • Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now